Friends, Some Unexpected, and Ones who are always There

Start from the beginning

“That’s why you…” Annie looks over at her sleeping brother with a worried frown and Omega nods.

“He’s fine. Once I hide my presence I’ll awaken him. He won’t know anything happened.”

“But how did you? I usually feel lingering traces when magic is used, ghoul or otherwise, but I felt nothing.”

“I am much older than young Aether and more skilled with my abilities. If I will it not to be detected, it won’t be. It’s how I’ve been able to remain hidden after…” He trails off with what sounded like a sad sigh before giving his head the smallest of shakes. Annie nods again with a small sigh of her own, wrapping her arms around herself as she chews on her lip in a worried gesture. Once more she feels a tickle in the back of her head as he reaches his powers out, probing to her to try and glimpse at what thoughts her mind held in the moment. Her own responded quickly and shoved him out but not before he caught sight of the mass of turmoil that has been swirling.

“Don’t do that,” she says softly, tightening her hold around herself. “I know that was you.”

Omega leans his head to the side as he looks at her a moment before lifting his arms, reaching for her again. She doesn’t flinch this time, instead moving willingly when he pulls her into a gentle embrace.

“It will be okay, Levanna,” he says softly as he rests the cheek of his mask against the top of her head. “You will have answers soon, and your Cardinal will be back before you know it.”

“That’s not all I’m worried about,” she admits in a soft voice while wrapping her arms around his middle.

“I know.” He pulls back to look down at her, his hand lifting to brush some hair from her face. “Just keep your faith. I know it’s wavering, especially after the events of late, but it will get you through all that is to come.”

“Is Alessandro going to be just as confusing when I talk to him?” Annie smiles softly with a light laugh that he joins in.

“Probably. But it will all make sense in the end. I promise. I really must go now.” He releases his hold and steps back, his form starting to shimmer and distort. “I’m still around, and I’ll be watching over you. You have nothing to fear. Not right now.”

Annie nods and watches until he disappears, his glowing purple eyes the last to fade from sight and as soon as he’s gone the sky lightens as though it was still close to mid day instead of early evening. The bells tolling the hour confirm as much and the sound rouses the sleeping ghoul. Kali shifts from where he lays on the ground and yawns widely, a hand coming up to wipe at his eyes before they blink open.

“Hm? Annie?”

“I’m here, Kako.”

“Shit… I must’ve passed out, too. You okay?” He looks at her, seeing her wrap her arms around herself, eyes almost vacant and distant, deep in thought.

“Yeah. Just a lot on my mind. The nap helped, but also didn’t.”

And I’ve got even more on my plate thanks to that mysterious ghoul,’ she thinks to herself.

Kali nods and stretches with a wide yawn, arching his back making it pop several times before he shakes it off with a roll of his neck. "Well, we may as well head inside. I'll help you carry your basket."

Annie flashes him a grateful smile and stores her abandoned boline in its sheath on her belt as Kali stands and lifts her basket, resting it on his hip as he pulls his balaclava and mask back in place with his free hand having had pulled them off when he reached her earlier. Holding his arm out she smiles and links hers through his and together they walk back towards the Ministry, Kali blissfully unaware of the ghoulish encounter she had with Omega, and Annie drawing into her thoughts once more. Two days until the full moon. Until she could get answers. But… was she sure she wanted to?

Bloody Angel: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now