Sleepless 💜🪶💔 Rise x Gender!Neutral Reader

Start from the beginning

Leo's head retracted slightly into his shell, not that his brother was in the right for ignoring his partner, but he knew how badly the soft-shell was going to get chewed out.

You harshly knocked on the door. "Donnie? It's Y/N. I need to talk to you."

"Y-Y/N?" A muffled voice sounded from inside. The doors opened immediately.

The room was dark, apart from the bright light from outside piercing through due to the opened doors.

The soft-shell retracted shielding his eyes from the sudden burst of light. He clearly had been in the dark a while.

"W-What're you doing here?" His words were slurred together.

You scoffed, "What am I doing here? Oh! I don't know, checking on my boyfriend who hasn't bothered to answer my texts or calls, in over a fucking week!" "What the hell Donatello?"

He flinched at your harsh tone. "That... that can't be right I just texted you... on Monday."

"Yeah! Last Monday!" You shouted. Your tone was getting harsher, your anger bubbling up.

He pressed his hands to the sides of his head. "Can you not yell at me please?! Fuck... my head is killing me..."

You huffed, lowering your tone slightly. "Why are you treating me like this? You could've at least sent a single "I'm alive!" text. I thought something happened."

Your voice began to crack.

"I thought you were gone."

He sat up, and looked at you with a saddened expression.

"N/N I... I'm sorry, I didn't realize how long it's been."

You flicked on the light, growing tired of the darkness that blanketed the room.

"Nggh!! T-too bright..." he winced retracting again.

The room was a mess, inventions and scrap pieces littered about, papers scattered everywhere.

At least 10 Red Bulls and Monster cans littered the desk and wastebasket, but it couldn't compare to Donatello.

The turtle looked terrible to say the least. He looked pale, dark circles surrounding his eyes, he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

You gasped.

"Donnie... you... when was the last time you slept?" You asked.

He grimaced, "Mm... Maybe.. uhm, I don't know... two-ish days ago? Maybe three?"

Your eyes widened. "What! No no no, Don, you can't do that to yourself! Okay, look, we are done here, you're getting some sleep."

He threw his hands up. "No no, wait I'm almost done! When it's finished, I'll go to sleep, I-I'm not even tired!"

You grabbed his hand, "Donnie, look at yourself, you need to rest, whatever it is... it can wait."

"No y-you don't understand!" He slurred, furrowing his drawn-on eyebrows. He yanked his hand away to slam it against the desk, startling you.

"It's for Shelldon, he was critically damaged."his voice grew quieter.

"It's my fault... I had mentioned a mission that we had came back empty-handed on, shit with the Purple Dragons again, but unbeknownst to me, he went out on his own."

"I tracked him down, but he..." He trailed off, grabbing the scrap pieces of tech behind him.

You gasped, these weren't scrapped pieces. This was what was left of Shelldon.

"Oh my god... Donnie..." You breathed, your heart sinking in your chest. Guilt for being so angry was gnawing away at your stomach.

You've never seen the soft-shell cry before, he was never one for being emotional, but this was something he couldn't hold back his tears on.

He leaned forward and sank into you, hugging you tightly. "I've tried to repair him... but nothing is working."

"His hard drive is destroyed, so even if I do fix him..." "The likelihood of him remembering anything is close to impossible."

The turtle in purple quivered in your arms. Never before have you seen him so defeated, and so sad.

"Oh love..." you sighed holding him closer. "It's going to be alright. I know how you're feeling but you can't keep working like this, you can't expect your brain to work on no sleep."

You let go, gently wiping his tears away, and smiled. "You're my perfect genius after all, there's nothing you can't do."

He smiled weakly and winced again, groaning and holding his head. "Nnngggh! I-It hurts..."

* * *

You walked him to his bedroom, carefully guiding him into bed.

"Here, I got you some ice for your head, and some Tylenol PM." Your voice barely over a whisper.

You were about to leave before he weakly grabbed your wrist.

"P-please don't go." He murmured.

"Okay." You replied, not bothering with a witty remark, it wasn't the time.

You crawled into bed, and he slowly curled up against you, his head resting on your chest.

You placed the bag of ice on his forehead, and pulled the blanket to cover his shoulders, as he sighed peacefully.

"I love you..." he breathed, holding your hand but keeping his eyes closed. Your calm heartbeat lulling him to sleep.

"I love you too." You rested your head against the pillows, craning your head up to the ceiling.

It wasn't long before his breathing slowed and the grip of his hand loosened.

You turned your head to look at him, you smiled.

He looked so calm and honestly, adorable. As if nothing in the world could disturb him now.

Sleep was beginning to tug at your eyelids now, the darkness and quiet being the perfect melody to guide you to dreamland, and the last word that came to your mind was simply... perfect."

We will figure this out tomorrow, together, because the soft-shell wasn't alone when he had you.

We will fix it together.

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