chapter 98

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The song and Sophie Bitt come through the north wing trying to stay out of sight.
Behind the columns from the open plate. Although they had come a long way ahead of the plate, they had yet to get a clear view of the tomb. Twain, the Thummies lay in a hole in the wall, hidden and not visible from this Angle on the first No one is here, a whisper
Abandoned. You'll go if you have a look, a whisper, don't go tomorrow, you'll have to stay hidden in case." There's someone here to see you.
Sophie was out of hiding and headed for the shrine before he finished.
Watching us, Langdon pleads and runs to catch up -"
Langdon and Sophie passed the nave at an oblique Angle and stood up as I fell
Eyes on the holy shrine. Noose of black marble... A statue of neon in position
The climb. Two winged boys... And a huge pyramid... And... A huge ball
Were you aware of this? I asked Sophie in surprise."
Langdon shook Navea's note, and he's still stunned.
These looked like the planets in the solar system were carved on them, "said Sophie.
As they approached the parietal gap, Langons defeat was Newtons tomb
Comets of stars, comets and planets. You're looking for a ball. I should have.
You're on his grave? It'll be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Gram's astronomical. Sophie said, and she seemed worried. A lot of them.
Langdon stitched his forehead. The only link between the planets and the grill was
You can't imagine her as a five-star Venus, and he tried the word ginus in.
The road to the Church of Elkell, but his attempt was not insistent.
Sophie went straight for the Naus, but Langdon was standing several feet away from her
To keep an eye on all around them.
The goddess, Sophie said, and she tilted her head to read the headlines that Newton was using.
On it, the chronolia optics, the physical philosopher of maddie's floors? Does that sound familiar to you?
Langdon approached her and he thought about it. "The principles of mathematics, as I recall,
It has to do with the forces of interplanetary symbiosis, Which are actually balls, but that sounds very unlikely."
What about the zodiac? He asked Sophie, and it refers to the towers carved on
"Ball. "You've reportedly talked about Pisces and Buckets, haven't you? End of days, Langdon thought, end of whale days and start of bucket, thats the sign
The history of the brotherhood is seen to spread the bond of royal blood before the whole world. But you have flashed away with little incident that has left the historians bewildered not knowing when the truth will come to light.
Sophie said it was probably the fraternity's plan to uncover the truth.
"Linked to the last house in the poem. It tells the story of a pink body and a womb carrying a spirit in his heart that Langdon felt chills in his body. He had never thought of the last line of the poem that way before.
You've experienced it before, Sophie said, when is the fraternity going to...
"The veil revealed the truth of the rose, its fertile mercy, directly linked to the positions of planets-globes."
Oma Langfon is beginning to hang on to the weak threads of hope. But his sense warned him that the ark is not
The key they're looking for. All the solutions offered by the Grand Master were in a highly symbolic sense, from the Mona Lisa to the Lady of the Rocks and Sophia. Furthermore, Jack Spooner proved to be a cipher unmatched in the world, and Langdon firmly believed that the final five-letter password that would reveal the greater secret of fraternity would prove not only to be perfectly symbolic but also to be crystal clear. If the solution to this puzzle is similar to the previous puzzle, it will show a cry when they find it
See, "Sophie gasped, cutting off his chain of thoughts as she gripped his arm hard. He thought
Langdon had someone close to them in the horror he felt holding his arm.
When she met her, he saw her gazing astonishingly at the black marble summit. Sophie whispered, and pointed to a spot on the peacock near Newton's right foot that Langdon did not understand. Sanha had just left a pen unnoticed
Coal is used to rub tombs on the sarcophagus cover near Newton's foot, and since Langdon has his hand to pick it up, but when he leaned towards the sarcophagus, he shone a light on the polished black marble tile, and Langdon nailed in. Suddenly, he found out why Sufi was afraid.
Ting is with me.
To walk out through the conference room
From the south exit, towards the park.
Langdon read the words twice, and his heart is beating very fast.
She picked up Sophie and took a good look at the plate.
Although Langendon was frightened when he saw those words, he said
Because it carries good news, it means Lay is still alive as well
They tell Ali something, too, they don't know the password either." Langdon Ommat Sophie said yes, so if not, why did they announce their existence
Here I am, here I am.
Maybe they want us to give them the password in exchange for Thing's release, or it could be a trap.
Lagoon shook his head Nia No Annan so the garden lies outside the walls of the church, which makes it
It's a general. Langdon had once visited the University's famous cyst garden, a small orchard of fruit trees and medicinal herbs that was a remnant of old days when monks brought medicine to this place, which prided themselves on Britain's oldest surviving fruit quarrel. The university park was a place that tourists liked to visit without having to enter the church. I think inviting us out is "assurance, to feel safe on their side."
Sophie seemed to doubt their sincerity. You mean outside where there are no devices.
Metal detection." Langdon frown, you might be right about that.
Langdon stared back at the mausoleum with balls and wished he had any
An idea of a password that exuded the cryptics... In order for him to negotiate, I got Leigh into this mess, and I'll do everything I can to help him.
Genoese. Sophie said that we might be able to see the garden through the exit, and that would make us." We could evaluate the situation from where we are before we walked there and put our Avna in danger. That was a good idea. Langdon remembers the conference room where it's a large octagon.
Suspicion was held by members of the British Palman community of their values before the new building was erected. It has been many years since he visited this place, but he remembers being taken to it through the sacristy hall. Langdon walked several steps behind the mausoleum and looked around the choir screen to his right, across the dish of the church to the opposite side. On the side from which they came down to the mausoleum, there was a nearby walkway and he had a big sign
This road leads to the arcades, the Dean's office:
The college building.
The curve.
Sacrament Room, Church of St. Faith, Conclave Hall.
Langdon and Sophie were thrilled when they passed the sign and missed the little commercial.
He apologized to visitors because some areas were closed for boyhood work and renovation.
Langdon and Soph immediately came out into a courtyard with high walls and an open roof that fell
The morning rainwater came from it, the wind above them pounding a faint tonne and someone was blowing air over a bottle of glass. And when they went in a few times,
The narrow, reduced walls that line the courtyard, Langdon reverts to the distress of an enclosed space, and these passages claim prepared corridors, reminding that these were the same malaise as the particularly cloisters of galleries called clustrophobic, which are so closely related.
Langdon tried to focus his thinking on the end of myths and to follow the signs that lead to
The building housing the conference room. It was raining heavily and the passage was now rugged and soaked with raindrops that had filtered from the only supporting bay that was the only light source in the baptised hallway. They were passed by two people who were moving in the other direction to escape the thickening weather. The corridors seemed now abandoned, in fact they were the worst section of the church when it was windy and twisted and forty blocks east of the corridor, with a distilled entrance to their left
It leads to another hallway. Although this is the entrance they were leaning against, an opening: the door was blocked by a dangling tape and an official sign that said,
The sacrament room, St. Faith's Church, the conference room.
The long, abandoned hallway behind the tape was filled with scaffolding and protective rags
The paint was scattered here and there. Langdon was able to see the right and left entrances to the Sacrament Room and the Church of St. Faith, but the entrance to the conference room was at the end of the corridor which he could not see clearly. However, he could see from there that his magnified wooden door was wide open and that the occulted hall was lighted by natural light that was emitted into it through its large Windows on the garden of the College
We just walked out of the east corridor, "he said to Langdon, so it has to be the exit.
"To the south of the corridor to the garden from there and to the right, Sophie stepped on the stripe and stepped forward, and as they hastened through the dark corridor, the sounds of wind and rain coming from the corridor were taken away.
The open, our check went out, and I choked.
The conference room was still a moonlike structure of a large planet where it was a room.
A pump attached to the main building has a long walkway to secure the necessary privacy during the parliamentary meetings that have taken place in this room. It looks very large. Sophie whispered, and they're about to enter.
Langdon had forgotten how big this room was. Even from outside the doorway.
Langdon could look across the vast floor to the magnificent Windows on the other end of the room, which were five stories high, ending in a moonroof, and they would have a better view of the garden than here
When Langdon and Sophie crossed the threshold, they closed half as they closed
The heavy light in the hall. After the darkness that dominated the corridors, this room was, like, a special sunroom, and the two had advanced approximately # feet inside, looking for the wall
The south, when they found that the promised Banib had no trace, they were coming to a dead end.
And all of a sudden, they heard the big door squeaking behind her and they fell sounding, and the Pope closed.
And put the latch into place.
The man who was standing at the door seemed calm as he pointed a small gun at them. And he...
He was chubby and based on a pair of ammonium crutches.
That was the guy. .. No Ting.

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