☀︎︎ | ONE | 𓆉

Start from the beginning

"Unfortunately, we can't check in until three" Margot says.

She pressed a button on the screen of the radio and spoke up; "Call Abbie".

Summer eyes widen and she ends the upcoming call as fast as she could. "Oh, no, no, no, no!" Summer said. "We've been away a whole year. Do you not understand the concept of a surprise?" She says. "Not everyone likes surprises" Pandora tells her. "Well guess what, Bear?" Summer said as she turned her body towards the backseats where Pandora was laying down on.

"What, Flower?" Pandora turns her head away from her phone screen and makes eye contact with Summer.

"They're gonna love this one" Summer smiled before she adjusts her position in the passenger seat.

She looks out the window to see the ocean they were riding above.

Opening the door to the residence that she had been so excited to arrive in, Summer held her huge smile and her arms out wide

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Opening the door to the residence that she had been so excited to arrive in, Summer held her huge smile and her arms out wide.

"I'm back, baby!" She said.

Expecting the family to ambush her with hugs, she realized how quiet the house actually was. Summer pulled her eyebrows together before she goes to look around the house. "Hello?" Summer said. "Ari? Honey?" She questioned, looking into the empty kitchen. "I really hope they still live here" Margot says as she was the last to walk inside the house.

"Same. 'Cause otherwise, we're breaking and entering" Pandora stated, looking at her new surroundings.

Summer stops herself from going anywhere else when she noticed a picture frame on the small shelf near her. She smiled at the picture in hand, seeing him, Ari Gibson. "I knew that's why you wanted to come back here" Margot says as she meets with Summer's side. "Ma. Do you seriously think I'd beg you to come back just for a boy?" Summer scoffs.

"I do!" Pandora nods, holding her index finger in the air. "Yeah, he's literally all you talk about".

"I do not!" Summer scoffs. "I honestly don't see what's the hype about. I'm a way better topic, and hotter too" Pandora said, leaning against the kitchen counter. "No need to be jealous, Panda" Summer winks at her. "You know you're my girl".

Pandora glanced over at Summer with a smile before rolling her eyes. Summer's phone goes off as she grins at Pandora's actions. "My cell finally worked out where it is" Summer points out. She opens the notification and her eyes widen; "No, it can't be today".

"They changed the date" Summer tells the only to females in the room, grabbing their attention at her comment. "Try-outs are today!" Summer stated. "Well, we gotta go. Come on!" Pandora says, motioning Summer to move along with her pace. The two best friends leave the Gibson's house and go to the car, together.

"Summer, how could you not know they changed the date?" Margot questioned as she shuts the door to the house.

"Why are you still in second gear? Shift down to first" Manu Tetanui questions his younger sister, worriedly as she drove to their destination

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"Why are you still in second gear? Shift down to first" Manu Tetanui questions his younger sister, worriedly as she drove to their destination.

"Oh, my gosh, stop hassling me for a second and I will!" Poppy Tetanui replied. "You just missed a spot back there!" Manu pointed back as Pippy had missed her shot at getting a free parking space. "I'm not going for that one" Poppy huffs as she finds the "perfect" spot.

"See?" She places the van in park and looks at her older brother; "Nailed it".

They both removed themselves from the car and headed towards the trunk. They grabbed the things that they needed for the day before Manu spoke up. "Hey, um... I wasn't going to do this now, but..." Manu grabs the small box from the back and hands it over to Poppy. "I was going through the last of Mum's stuff and I found this".

"I think she had it made before she passed" Poppy opened the box with curiosity before she smiled at the wooden goat inside.

"Aw. It was her little joke" Poppy explained. "You know, "Greatest Of All Time"," She says. "-"GOAT", heh" Poppy blinks away her tears as she chuckles. "Yeah. I don't think she was joking" Manu tells her. Poppy looks up to him and tilts her head. "They're gonna name you Team Captain, Pops" He said.

"This is your year".

"Yours too".

Manu chuckles as they did their handshake before hugging. "Love you, braddah" Manu says. "Braddah" Poppy chuckles, patting his back. "I think we'll leave it in the car, though" Poppy said as she sniffles while they let go of the embrace. "Yeah, good shout" Manu said.

Poppy placed the gift back into its box and grabbed her bag.

"Okay, let's go, let's go!" Manu says.

They both closed the trunk together before walking off to, eventually, prepare for the competitions ahead.

Maybe This Time//Summer TorresWhere stories live. Discover now