66 Piere street

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..ok this story starts out with a newly married family, they've just had their first baby, a little girl, the dads name is John he's 24, and the mums name is Katie she's 23, the baby is Sophie she is 1 year old, it's John and Katie's wedding anniversary and they decide to hire a baby sitter to look after Sophie, the baby sitters name is Amelia, she's 20, so the parents leave at 6pm for their romantic evening and stuff, everything is all good and so on, later during the night Amelia is playing with Sophie in her room, Sophie laughs and points under her cot saying "funny eyes" , Amelia looks but can't see any eyes under the cot, just a dropped baby toy so she picks it up and puts it away and continues to play with Sophie, then it starts raining and storming outside and a huge gust of wind blows the window open, Amelia gets up and closes the window leaving Sophie to play but when she turns around Sophie has crawled under the cot, Amelia laughs a little and pulls Sophie out from under the cot, however to Amelia's shock, Sophie is holding a blue human eyeball, bleeding in her hand as if it was gouged out by someone, making Amelia scream and taking the eyeball away, making Sophie cry, Amelia soothes Sophie down and takes Sophie for a bath, she sets Sophie down in the bathroom and turns the bath taps on, however instead of water, blood comes pouring out of the taps, Amelia screams in horror and tries to turn the taps off but the blood still pours through the taps, Amelia picks up Sophie and runs back to Sophie's room and closes the door and picks up her phone to call the parents, she dials the number and puts it to her head, the phone ringing, instead of the parents answering, a raspy, old dry voice answers, mocking these words "die, you will die, you and all your filthy kind!", Amelia drops the phone runs to the door, but it is now locked, she goes to run to the window however it has been blocked with nailed up boards, screaming she pulls down one of the boards and climbs out the window, however she gets stuck, a guillotine falls down on her stomach and cuts her in half, Sophie starts crying, blood starts running down the walls, the parents come home and hear Sophie crying and go to her room, however they can't unlock the door and start to panic, as they break down the door they see Sophie been dragged into her closet then the closet slams shut and blood pours down from the closet, the parents, screaming and crying and in shock run to call the police, however they receive the same message as Amelia, minutes later the house burns down in flames and the neighbours call the police and firefighters, they find the dead bodies and evidence of the blood, however were unable to solve what happened that night, to this day the burnt house remains, everyone too afraid to go near it as this story floats around, the little cosy house, number 66 on Piere street, some say if you look carefully you can see the shadows of the people that died there walking around and if you listen close enough you may hear their screams right before they died, their souls trapped inside that house to this day

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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