Jk- oil for what?

Tae- i think today jimin is going to break bed

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Tae- i think today jimin is going to break bed.....

Jk- why He will break bed?....

Yn- aaaaaa....jimin.... please take it out....fast...

Jimin- I'm doing it... sorry i don't know your size..... please little bit pain... it's almost there....

 it's almost there

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Jk- ooooo....i understand...jimin is so fast... hehehe..

Tae- now let's go..i don't want to hear their unholy sounds..

Yn- aaaaaaaa...

Jk- yeah let's go....this unholy people..

this unholy people

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In jimin's room..

Jimin- finally....

Yn- aaaa..my finger...

Jimin- sorry...i should first ask your size...

Yn- it's okay.... look my finger is red now.....

Jimin hold her hand and kiss on fingers....

Yn- jimin..i want to go home.. please drop me..

Jimin- but i thought........ okay let's go then..

Yn- you go down i will be there... actually i want to use washroom..

True heir:- Battle Of Love And Revenge|| MYG & PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now