"Why do you hate Snape?"

It was a question that surprised Sirius. He had never imagined he will have to discuss such topics with her.

"Hate is a strong word. I just dislike the way he treats people, the way he looks down on everyone, with disgust even."

"Is that enough for you and Potter to bully him?" She asked, her voice calm and expression hard to decipher. "He is an easy target, after all, even for his classmates."

"Look, Ophelia, that's not something I want to argue with you about."

"You forget a very important detail. Severus is my best friend." She said slowly as if to have that printed in his mind.

"James would be sad to hear you say that." Sirius joked and laughed but Ophelia was not amused. "So what now? Are you going to threaten me that if we don't behave, we'll be sorry?"

"If you treasure your motorbike, then yes." She said with a dark glint in her eyes. That affirmation alone wiped Black's cheeky smile off his face.

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Maybe one day it will be misplaced...maybe just caught in the branches of the Whomping Willow," Ophelia added as she approached Black like a snake. "What do you say? Wouldn't that be a tragedy?" She asked leaning towards him.

"You really resemble your father in moments like these, Molley," he said with a snare. "Just remember that Snape is not a saint. He is not a victim." He added and left up the stairs and back into his room.

Ophelia remained all by herself, the only light coming from the windows. But once Sirius closed the door and got into his bed, he couldn't help but softly slap his cheeks. Even in that uncomfortable situation, Ophelia's eyes were glowing and she looked so beautiful. She just said Snape is more important than them and yet all he could think of was kissing her. Sirius was truly crazy for her, it was overwhelming.

For the next week, Ophelia avoided Black and kept her conversation with Potter brief. It was obvious to everyone she had some type of argument with Sirius, Remus knew exactly why, but Potter was whining nonstop because his precious badge was turning into a sour grape once more. But nothing happened, not until one Wednesday in February, a few days before Valentine's Day, when Ophelia was in the Front Hall, walking to breakfast. She saw dark hair and green robes from the corner of her eye and instinctively followed him. As she walked and turned in the halls and almost got near the entry to the kitchen, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into a dimly lit corridor.

"You followed me blindly and didn't even sketch a sign of fear when I grabbed you, are you crazy?"

"But I knew it was you. I can read minds, remember?" She explained with sparkling eyes and a wide smile. "How about you, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Is your mind alright?"

Those usually guarded green eyes were so wide and joyful, it was so obvious that she was delighted to see him.

"Of course, what do you imagine I've done? Actually, no. I don't want to know," Snape replied, already having an idea of the bleak scenario she probably created in her head.

"Where were you?" She finally asked, "Was my father's mission more important than school?"

"Actually, yes. He's been growing more aware of my potential, he gave me more missions and I can sense he trusts me enough to send me to meet important people."

Ophelia stared at him with no expression whatsoever, but then her eyes fell on his arm.

"You're spending an awful lot of time with Death Eaters," she commented, having a very bad feeling. "Did he send you off to kill innocent muggles?"

"No. I went to Bulgaria if you really must know. We met with some former Durmstrang students and escorted them to London. We're still in need of more followers,"

"We," Ophelia emphasized, raising an eyebrow. She let out a shaky breath before she looked into his eyes. "Show it to me, Severus," she said in such a tone that Snape felt obliged.

It happened quickly, the boy pulled up his sleeve and with each portion of skin shown, Ophelia's heart sank lower. There it was: the Dark Mark. She couldn't help but sight, a sense of failure invading her heart. Although Snape was still so important to her, he also submitted his life to a monster. The Slytherin could not read her mind but there was no need to, he could see it all on her face and in the way she teared up out of anger.

"Is it worth it?" she asked softly, touching his forearm with shaky fingers. It was unreal.

"Yes. It is the first time someone looks at me and sees my strengths, my talents, uses my skills, and rewards me for being myself. Ever since I received the mark, I feel impenetrable. Most importantly, I feel free and respected, you can't understand how much that means to me, a kid who's always been the odd one out of the bunch, the creeper who liked to read and learn and always did his homework on time."

Ophelia believed him. He spoke with such passion and admiration, and she understood now why he felt drawn to Tom's ideas. Severus was probably one of the most intelligent Slytherins, he was good at gaining information and he was a sneaky and witty little snake. But he was also incredibly loyal to what he loved and believed in, which right now was Tom...

"I'm...disappointed, I'm not going to lie to you. I was always afraid that this might happen, I just wasn't ready to face it yet. This decision of yours...you know what kind of murderers you're hanging out with from now on," She said, trying to keep herself in check. It was a huge deal for Severus, even if it broke her heart.

"The same type you have around you, acting all moral and nice when the truth is they are not that different from Slytherins," Severus said coldly, getting defensive now that her eyes narrowed as if she was about to lash at him. "I'm sure Potter and Black will be more than happy to have you all to themselves,"

"No. They won't. They are my friends, indeed, but you, Severus, are my only best friend. I will do anything for you, even go against my father or Dumbledore so yes, I am afraid that you will leave me behind. It wouldn't be the first time that someone precious to me turned his back on me and went to Tom. I loved him and yet he chose a power-hungry old man in favour of his girlfriend. If you do the same, I-"

"I wouldn't. I can't. I vowed that I will always be on your side, that I will never do anything to hurt you or be disloyal, especially when it comes to Voldemort." He replied remembering their promise.

"So what happened at Halloween, then? Why did you try to enter my mind? It obviously wasn't for my father so who asked you to do it?"

She changed the subject but she was still in a state of dejection and resentment. But she was also very sad and couldn't help but blame herself for his decision. Maybe if she was there, by his side, every time he was bullied, then he wouldn't have gone to her father for power.

"Let's not talk about that in a corridor. Walls have ears at Hogwarts," Severus said, glancing around as if anyone would have followed them and eavesdropped. "I'll tell you during the weekend, in Hogsmeade. I heard that Malfoy will come to check on you too so let's meet then."

Ophelia watched her friend with serpent green eyes as if a predator was checking out its prey, and yet Snape couldn't help but chuckle. She looked a lot like Voldemort, but the way she approached her subjects was different. 

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