𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟐𝟓 - 𝑬𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅𝒔

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Everything occurring around him quickly became overwhelming, causing Lan Wangi's senses to go off the deep end in the blink of an eye. The indistinct noises coming from the strange carriages and crowds of people only made him more wary and defensive, which was well reflected by his intense frown. That itself caused some of the drivers to hold back from hitting the button too much, afraid that they had just encountered an actual madman. Fortunately for them – as well as not – the man dressed in traditional clothing did not move away from his spot, and as the seconds passed by, the curious passersby formed an even larger crowd observing from the pathways on the side of this carriageway. Although he wasn't blocking the traffic on all six tracks, the small traffic he caused was quite significant in such a busy city as Beijing. He was well aware of the unwanted attention he was provoking, but at the same time, he was concerned about major problems – such as finding Lan Yuan. Whatever this world is, and whoever these people are, Lan Wangji does not know whether they are enemies or harmless. One thing is however certain. He couldn't feel even the slightest bit of spiritual energy coming from them.

Perhaps, it was simply a mistake due to his current injuries.

Lan Wangji's attention quickly shifted toward the three men who suddenly ran out of the crowd and in his direction. They all had the same uniform composed of black trousers and a light blue shirt, with a few accessories attached to their belt. Surprisingly, they carried no sword – which led to the conclusion that they were perhaps simple commoners.

"Hey! Get out of the road!" One of them screamed, and Lan Wangji finally reacted by pulling out Bichen and pointing the sword in their direction. This alone earned expressions of shock and audible gasps from the crowd. Some others simply remained quiet for now, hoping that this was nothing but a drunk crossdresser playing with a plastic sword.

The three men's pace did successfully slow down as they tried to approach him from different directions, but the man was much quicker than they were. Before they could even reach him, Lan Wangji ran toward the closest fully stopped car and jumped onto the bonnet hood before continuing his escape. Being captured in a world he's unfamiliar with was completely out of the question.

The sight of him running and jumping from car roof to the next one was simply unbelievable – the only ones enjoying it were either the children who were astonished by the man's abilities, or the adolescents. It took quite a while until the passersby processed what was happening, and soon pulled out their phones to film – but unfortunately, only very few ones managed to capture something. This is how fast this man was. The three officers, initially shocked by the man's audacity, quickly began running after him – except that they chose to use the ground instead of the cars' roofs. Knowing fully well that this was quite an exceptional case, one of the officers quickly tilted his head to the side a little to speak on the small radio attached to his shoulder, explaining their current situation. Lan Wangi's escape was only causing more negative attention – but once again, he was not going to let himself be taken by them like a certain someone. He might be calmer and composed in demeanor, but his level of stubbornness isn't any inferior to the renowned Yiling Patriarch'. The people sitting inside the cars would yell or squeak once they felt a sudden noise and weight on the roof of their cars, even if it was very briefly – and soon enough, many people were looking outside the windows on the first floor of the buildings, or stepping out of the shops on the ground floor to see what the whole commotion was about. 


Soon, Wei Wuxian stepped out of the men's restroom. He seemed a little disheveled, but much better than before. His tie had also been properly fixed. 

To his surprise, Shu Meiling was waiting near the entrance to the bathroom hallway and seemed visibly concerned as she waited. As soon as she heard him walk out, she turned to look at him and rushed in his direction. "Is everything okay?" She asked, her eyes not hiding the fact that they were examining his current state. Wei Wuxian did seem a little pale, but that was most likely out of the shock. The pain had faded, and so he reassuringly nodded. "Mhm. I'm fine, you don't need to worry." He told her, knowing fully well that Shu Meiling was a very caring person out of nature. Not that he minded having her look after him, though.

𝑴𝒂𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒖𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 Where stories live. Discover now