as the world falls down

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"Lief, the time has come."
Endon stood in the doorway of his son's room. The boy sat there, staring solemnly at his father before nodding with determination.
"Yes, father. I understand."

For a long time, Lief had known this would happen eventually. As the heir to the throne of Deltora, he would eventually need to marry, to protect the royal bloodline and bring hope for someone to be the next heir, to wear the belt, and to keep the kingdom safe. He hadn't expected it to happen so soon, but he knew he couldn't complain. The young boy of only sixteen years of age was ready to comply to his fate.

"The Princess of a distant kingdom is being married off. This will not only ensure that the bloodline continues to be of royal heritage, but it may strengthen our alliances." Endon explained.
Sharn, Lief's mother appeared in the doorway behind Endon, placing a hand on her husband's shoulder.
"Who is the Princess I am to be marrying?" Lief asked. He didn't want to show it, but he felt fear - she could be wicked, or even worse, the heir of the Shadowlands! Surely the enemy kingdom wouldn't resolve their issues with an arranged marriage? Lief couldn't think of anything worse.

"Her name is Princess Jasmine," his mother spoke up. Unable to hold herself back, she approached Lief and took his face in her soft hands. Lief was grateful to his mother - despite being constantly distracted by royal duties, she always did what she could to raise Lief and love him regardless of the gaps she wasn't allowed to fill.
"Though, not much has been said about where she is truly from."

Lief looked at his parents inquisitively. His father let out a sigh.

"You see, Lief, your mother and I have our concerns about this Princess. She is being auctioned by Grey Guards supposedly... We don't know if she is even a princess, but this case sounds like she may be in danger. We want you to learn more about her."

Sharn gently traced her fingers along Lief's cheek. "You have always been charismatic and kind, my son. If there is any ill will within this girl, I am sure you can help her to heal - and if you believe there to be evil in her heart, we will terminate the contract."

Endon cleared his throat. "However, I must apologise. I know this seems to lack consideration for your feelings, but it wasn't our decision. All neighbouring kingdoms have been signed up to be chosen from."

"What does that mean, Father?" Lief asked.

"There is still hope if you cannot stand eachother - there are other suitors to be chosen from for Princess Jasmine. However it is best to assume that with your reputation and high status it is likely you will be chosen for those reasons alone. If you cannot do this, make yourself look incompetent."

Lief nodded. "I... understand. Thank you, Mother, Father."

A week later, Lief was gathered in the Great Hall of Del Palace, where all of the suitors were to be introduced. Looking around, he noticed there weren't many actual suitors, but the place was swarmed with Grey Guards.

"You seem worried, Young Master," the palace guard appointed to take care of Lief commented. "Fear not. You shall be safe with me - it is my sworn duty."
Does this man think I will need to rely on him?
Lief sighed. "Thank you for that, Barda. You needn't refer to me as 'Young Master', though."
Barda laughed heartily at that. "Whatever you say, your highness."
Lief held back from rolling his eyes at this. This man would certainly annoy him if he kept this up - Lief could protect himself!

A slim man with long grey curls approached the small podium, upon a stage of Del Palace's Great Hall.

"Hello, contestants, and welcome!" He called out with open arms. Lief thought his voice was quite whiny and obnoxious. This man almost came off as an evil presence. Was this Princess Jasmine's father? Could it be? Actually, where was the princess? In addition to that thought, he wondered why the man referred to the room as contestants. It all felt very informal.

i do not have wings, love, i never will (Deltora Quest)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن