The Temple of the Turtle

Start from the beginning

You left Olivia wondering as the four of you traversed deeper into the temple. Jumping over a few platforms, you soon entered what appeared to be the main chamber. "Ooh. Look at that!" Olivia said as she pointed to a large stone sculpture of a turtle with an open mouth on a higher level, "That's WAY more impressive than anything we've seen so far." "Maybe the Earth Vellumental is through there." Kyle said as he looked at the sculpture. Olivia then continued, "By the way, I hope this doesn't jinx us, but I feel like we haven't seen any Folded Soldiers for a while."

Practically at the mention of that, three Folded Soilders looking like Koopas appeared and locked eye contact with all of you. "Eek! It's like I summoned them!" Olivia cried out as you all quickly entered battle mode. After dealing with the Folded Soldiers, you all began to traverse the temple, soon coming across a Toad wearing shades being attacked by more Folded Soldiers. Dealing with them wasn't a problem, however, as you managed to scare them away, leaving you with the Toad from before. "Oh, thank you! I can't tell you how long I've been trapped in here...I'm actually the curator of this exhibit, you see. I realized the divine image I crafted from my imagination alone was a I came here in search of the real thing. Yes, I admit the exhibit is a bit of a coin grab, but did I deserve to be folded so harshly by those Swoops? Eh, probably. Anyway, be careful on your way out!" The Toad said before he ran off.

"Called it." You said as you lightly fist pumped before you all continued deeper into the temple. After some more careful maneuvering, you then came to a set of traps that were expelling fire on the path ahead. "I thought this was the Earth Vellumental temple." You said as Olivia spoke up, "Please be careful, you three." As you all managed to avoid getting roasted on the fire, you breathed a sigh of relief as you continued on, only for another rumble to let a massive rotating wheel fall from the ceiling and begin rolling down an incline towards the three of you. "Watch out!" Kyle said as he pushed you forward and slipped the both of you into a hole just your size. The wheel kept going before it fell into a gorge and set another cave in to create a path across.

You and Kyle were heavily breathing as Mario got up from doing what you two did and coming over to make sure you were okay. Olivia popped out of Mario's pocket again as she said, "That was close! You're already pretty flat, but that thing would have REALLY flattened you. But I should have figured you'd figure out a way out of it safely. Nice one!" You all gathered your senses as you all continued, proceeding to collect a Max Heart Up before you went through another tunnel and found yourself back in the main chamber.

After making it up to the mouth of the statue, Olivia said in an odd tone, "We made it! OK, Vellumental Statue...we're heading into your mouth. I hope you brushed your holy teeth." You tried to shake off the feeling as the four of you made your way to a large open area, with the sun beaming down on a spot in the middle. You headed into the area as Olivia looked about. "Wait, it's just a big empty hole?! How disappointing!" She said, "Where's the Earth Vellumental? We've come so far to see you!" Olivia then floated out to the edge of a small overhanging platform as she looked down into the cavern, asking, "Hold on... What's that?"

"What's what?" You asked as you and Mario joined her. "Hold on guys..." Kyle said as he stepped forward, "We don't know how stable this thing--" He was unable to finish his sentence however as the platform suddenly crumbled under the combined weight and gave out, sending the three of you down into the cavern, with Olivia quickly following.

You all landed on something rough as you groaned in pain. Mario and Kyle helped you up as Olivia caught up to the three of you. "So I'm not the best judge of footing, as we've just learned... Sorry, guys. I'd teach you how to float if I could." "It's alright. It wasn't your fault." You said as you rubbed your back. Olivia seemed to briefly appreciate the comment as she continued, "Anyway, I was looking down at this odd green spot before you fell down. What do you think it is?" As you were thinking about what it could be, the ground suddenly began to violently shake, and you could feel the thing you were standing on begin to rise.

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