Chapter 66: (The Rainbow's Daughter)

Start from the beginning

"How awful! I can't imagine anyone being lost and alone such as yourself; however, did your father even notice you.." Dorothy responded in a shocked voice while Polychrome shook her head in denial.

"He did not, he lifted the rainbow assuming I was still with my older sisters and thus the rainbow disappeared..." Polychrome responded to Dorothy yet again with the same saddened voice and this made everyone look at her with sadness before this was broken by Dorothy speaking.

"Don't worry! If you come with us to the Emerald City then I'm sure my friend, Princess Ozma, might be able to help you get back home. I'm just sure of it" Dorothy advised the woman while Shaggy Man and Button-Bright nodded in agreement.

"She's right. We're all in search of something within Emerald City and if you come with us then surely you'll be reunited with your family" Shaggy Man chimed into the conversation while letting out a smile which in return caused Polychrome to finally smile and that smile was quite beautiful.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'll happily join everyone on their adventure! I'll even introduce myself if that's okay with everyone. I'm Polychrome as you already know. I'm millions of years old but you can consider me to be twenty-two years old physically. I'm the youngest of my 5 siblings and they're better at everything but I'm still learning and yeah, that's me!" Polychrome spoke to Dorothy and the others once more while having a smile on her face.

"Wonderful! I wish I had siblings but I'll feel like that would be a hassle trying to set a good example or not to embarrass the family but I'm glad that you have a good home life" Dorothy spoke to Polychrome once more while the rainbow-haired woman smiled as she laughed.

"You can say that again. I'm also a bit reckless and shy but don't let that fool you because apparently, my father told me that I have the power to become the strongest rainbow fairy there is but I think he was saying that to impress me" Polychrome responded once more while Dorothy smiled back.

"I see, well, I believe you might be the strongest and even the most beautiful rainbow fairy of them all but let's start walking to the Emerald City, shall we?" Dorothy responded while Polychrome nodded her head in agreement.

"T-Thank you for the comment and we should get going before someone sees us. Not everyone on Earth is good, sadly" Polychrome responded once more to Dorothy before proceeding to walk with her new friends en route to the Emerald City filled with more determination to get to their destination.

The gang continued to walk across the plain fields for another hour and for that time frame, this event was quite uneventful as things went according to plan.

As for the country, The country wasn't so pretty now. Before the travelers appeared a rocky plain covered with hills on which grew nothing green. They were nearing some low mountains, too, and the road, which before had been smooth and pleasant to walk upon, grew rough and uneven.

"Do you know if this is the right road to the Emerald City? It doesn't seem like we're going the right way" Polychrome asked Dorothy rather curiously while observing the new area she was in.

"I'm afraid not but this is the only road that leads somewhere so we must follow it until we reach our destination." Dorothy responded while walking through the rocky area while Polychrome nodded in an understanding manner.

"I see, I wish I could fly like my older sisters so that we can get to the Emerald City as quickly as possible but I'm sadly still learning my magical abilities but at least I can move some rocks.." Polychrome responded with a frown while gently moving small walks out of the walkway while Button-Bright watched everything with such curiosity.

"Is this a fairy country like Polychrome mentioned earlier?" Button-Bright asked the gang curiously while Dorothy began to speak up to answer his question.

"Well, you still have a fox head and Polychrome isn't invisible so I would say that Oz is indeed a fairy country or something like that. I don't know.." Dorothy responded politely while climbing the small steep path that was in the pathway along with the rest of her friends.

"What's that?" Button-Bright asked Dorothy curiously while the young girl looked back at him to answer his question.

"You don't seem to know anything, Button-Bright but I guess it can't be helped. Invisible is something you can't see so think of it as seeing a ghost or something like that" Dorothy responded to the question while Button-Bright nodded in an understanding way.

"We should catch up to our friends before we get lost. It would be trouble if we do" Dorothy advised Button-Bright while running over to catch up to their friends; however, the sounds of Toto barking could be heard which caught their attention.

"That must be Toto! He must be in trouble or he's trying to tell us something! Let's go follow him!" Dorothy spoke once more to Button-Bright as she and the boy quickly ran towards the sounds of where the barking was coming from and to their shock, Toto was barking at a strange creature.

"W-What is that?!.." Button-Bright cried out in fear as he got behind Dorothy while the young girl remained fearless but still cautious nonetheless.

"I don't know but it reminds me of a certain group of people.." Dorothy responded while thinking back to the time she faced the Wheelers.

The creature whom Toto was barking at was a humanoid with purple skin on one side and grayish skin on the other side with small hair on its head.

"Stay on your guard. Perhaps my love magnet might save us.." Shaggy Man advised our heroes while remaining completely still while Polychrome and Button-Bright nodded in agreement; however, Dorothy remained fearless as she stared down the creatures with a rather serious glare on her face.

"Stay away from my Toto and my friends.." Dorothy warned the creatures while walking over to where her dog was before picking it up while still staring at the creatures.

Will Dorothy and her friends escape the terrible creature's clutches!?     

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