olivia: and what would you want with him

thomas: word on the street is he...raped mandy..

[olivia then looks at him in shock]

olivia: i'm sorry..he what...

thomas: you heard...me..so...how about you let me know when you see him...or if you just wanna go break my bed a bit...if you know what i mean

[olivia then chuckles]

olivia: goodbye thomas...

[thomas then sends olivia a wink and leaves]


[olivia knocks on the door of the milkovich house and iggy answers and gives olivia a smirk]

iggy: livvy...i knew you would see the light and come crawling to me one day...

olivia: you wish...milkovich...is mandy here

iggy: yea...yea..

[olivia then walks in and passes mickey]

mickey: you tell ian when we see him he is a dead man....

olivia: ya..i got your message from your henchmen...

[thomas then walks over and smirks]

thomas: just can't get enough of me can you...

olivia: sorry to disappoint...but i'm here to see mandy...

[olivia then pushes thomas and opens mandy's door]

olivia: mandy...

mandy: [looking at olivia] oh...hey

olivia: why would you go..and say that ian attacked..you...we both know he didn't

mandy: well some people can suprise you...and he did....and if you don't believe me then you can just leave

olivia: mandy

mandy: get out!

[olivia then leaves and heads to the gallagher house]


[gallagher house]

[olivia walks in the house as the milkovich brothers and thomas are yelling from outside and she walks into lip/ian's room]

mickey:  Hey, Lip! How's your lip? Yeah, I saw you up there. Tell your shithead brother we're waiting for him.

olivia: hey

[lip and ian then jump looking at her]

lip: jesus...harris...think you could be more quieter....

olivia: sorry...um...are you guys aware that there is an old lady downstairs..claiming to be your aunt ginger

ian: yea...long story short we need to prove she is our aunt ginger..as frank has been cashing in her disability cheques..

olivia: just when i thought frank couldn't sink any lower...[looking at lip] what the fuck happened to your face

lip: ask him...

[olivia then looks at ian]

ian: mandy has been saying that i raped her so her brothers and thomas are on a witch hunt for my head

olivia: yea.. i know...thomas tried getting me to tell him where you were hiding...

ian: of course he did...

Shameless Season 1Where stories live. Discover now