"Well hello, pretty lady, has your escort left you already, no fret I'll look after you, there are dangerous men around these parts. A pretty lady like yourself shouldn't be left alone" the man was clearly drunk, Kara could smell it on his breath, however she refused to look at him and continued scanning through the menu.

"I wouldn't sit there if I was you" she retorted, completely unbothered by the gent.

"Where's your manners. You should look at a man when he's talking to you"! The gent was clearly agitated he was getting much attention from the pretty lady opposite him.

"Well I don't see a man, I see a fool"

"Why you!" The man abruptly stood, slamming one hand on the table, the other poised to strike Kara's cheek. Before it could connect, his wrist was intercepted. Kara finally looked up from the menu, finding Kakashi standing beside her, holding onto the man's wrist. The fury in his eyes was palpable. Kara had never sensed such animosity emanating from him before.

"Now I see a man." Kara smirked.

The gent was frozen in his shoes as he stared back at Kakashi, trying to evade his eyes with no luck. The fear was visible. Kakashi was squeezing the man's wrist slightly too hard as the man's eyes squinted in pain. He pulled him in so only he could hear what Kakashi had to say.

The whispers were too quiet for Kara to be able to hear, the drunk man's face dropped and fear took over his features. Kakashi dropped the man's wrist and the drunk took off fleeing out of the bar.

"Seriously, I left you alone for two minutes and you've pissed off a drunk." Kakashi was calming down though still annoyed as he rejoined Kara at the table.

"Oh that's guy was harmless!" She shrugged in response.

"He was inches away from slapping you"

"But he didn't, you stopped him"

"How did you know I would" he huffed, rolling his eyes.

"Well, that's what husbands are for silly. You know protect your missus from any drunk fool that has a serious inferiority complex."

After a short while, the waitress brought over their drinks, when Kakashi's eyes darted to a group of rugged men walking in and taking a booth directly across from them.

"That's them" he stated quietly. "Don't look, you'll make it obvious" he said stopping Kara before she fully turned her head in their direction.

"How many?" Kara asked copying Kakashi's quiet tone.


"Okay so how do you want to play this?"

"We don't want our presence known, so stay in character but focus on listening in to their conversations"

"Urgh I'll try but none of my abilities have super strong hearing, you know"

"Oh really, how sad, point- nothing to me then" he teased while taking a sip of his green tea.

"Calm down fake Uchiha, this isn't a contest"

"I thought everything with you was a contest?"

"Oh you want to start now? Focus on them and not trying to provoke me dumbass!"

Kakashi chuckled, he was enjoying winding her up.
"Okay, I'm sorry I'll focus"

Silence dawned over them as they both focused their hearing onto the group of men discussing a few feet away.

Kara struggled to focus her hearing enough to hear them over the music playing so opted to think of another way to get closer so she could hear.

"I know that face! Stop whatever you're about to do" Kakashi quickly snapped. "I can hear them fine so stop scheming over there- your face looks ridiculous"

The Double Dojutsu Kunoichi.  [Kakashi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now