☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1 ☽

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Y/N's POV:

It's 5:30 in the morning and I'm being woken up by something being thrown at my window. I sit up on the edge of my bed and pull of the blinds of my window. I cover my eyes as I see a bright light shine into my eyes. "..holy shit.." I mutter as my eyes adjust to the light.

I peek out to see my neighbour, Gerard Way, and my boyfriend/his best friend, Frank Iero, throwing pebbles at my window , and holding up flashlights. I open my window and poke my head out.

"Happy last day of 11th grade!" They both whisper-shout when they see me.

"Couldn't this have waited 'till school..?" I ask as I zip up my hoodie, then swing my legs out the window and my feet rest on the roof.

They nod their heads and laugh a bit as they reply with, "Probably, but too bad!"

I chuckle and finish tying my shoes. I step out my window, then shut it a bit. I then climb down and meet Gerard and Frank in my driveway.

"You're lucky I slept in what I'm wearing to school today. When we come back, we have to stop here so I can grab my bag, kay?" They both nod as we begin to walk through the woods that are behind my house. I lean my head on Frank's shoulder as he wraps an arm around my waist.

We finally reach a dirt clearing in the middle of a few large trees. A few empty cans lied there, and some foldable chairs we had there. I ran and sat down in one, and pulled a monster can from my pocket, and cracked it open.

"Wow, thanks for bringing us some too,
Y/N." Gerard said laughing, as he chucked an empty can from the ground farther into the trees.

"Oh, well sorry I don't have enough room in my pockets for 3 monster cans!" I shoot back with a sarcastic tone. With that both Gerard and Frank chuckle.

I take a quick sip from the can and then set it on the ground. "So, what's our plan for the day? Skip in the art room, or out in the back?"

We all look from one another and say at the same time, "Art room."

"Okay, and we'll make sure to get Mikey and Ray, obviously." I mutter to myself as I check it off in my mental checklist.

~~~ Half an Hour Later ~~~

We all walk back to our houses and agree to meet at the bustop at 6:15. When I get home I climb back through my window and land right in my bed. I wish I could go back to sleep. Instead, I grab my backpack and sling it over one shoulder. I also plug in my earbuds into my phone and put it in my pocket.

I run down the stairs to the kitchen to get breakfast and see my older brother, Lawrie, packing my lunch. I open the fridge and grab a premade smoothie.

"Here ya' go Y/N." Lawrie says as he hands me the brown bag with a lunch in it, and I put it in my bag. "Thanks Lawrie." I smile, hug him, and kiss his cheek, before leaving to walk to the bustop.

I put in my earbuds and shuffle my playlist. The first song that comes on is The Middle by Jimmy Eat World. It's a pretty good song, to be honest.

I walk down to the bustop to see that the other three are already there. Frank, Mikey, and Gerard are all talking about their band that they wanna start. Since y'know, 9/11. Obviously we were all scared when it happened, but Gerard had the idea to start a band and write songs about the events that happened.

"Hey guys!" I say and wave as I walk up and stand next to Frank.

"Oh hey, Y/N." Mikey said and fixed his glasses. "What's up? We were just talking about the band. We don't know what to name it."

"Uh, I don't know, but maybe it should start with My? But you guys should figure out the rest. I'm not in charge of the band name." I shrug.

"Ooh yeah, maybe.." Gerard says as he writes it down in his notebook.

   When he finishes saying that, the bus pulls up. We load on, and instead of sitting with Frank like normal I decide to sit next to Gerard.

   He takes out his sketch book and begins to draw something, and write some lyrics around it. From the 2 tower I saw I could sense it was probably the song he wanted to write about 9/11.

"What're you gonna call it?" I ask as I look at it.

   "Call what?" He asks and looks at me.

"The song? The one about 9/11. What're you gonna name it?"

   "I'm thinking Skylines and Turnstiles." He says.

"I like that. I think it's perfect." I smile at him.

~~~ 10 minutes later/get to school ~~~

   We all get off the bus and meet Ray at the art room. We sit in the back and start to bullshit about random things as we normally do.

   Something seems off...something to do with Frank. He looks nervous, or like, mad or sad? I have no clue about what though. God, I hope it's not me, did I do something wrong?

   As Ray and Gerard argue about something they saw in the Fangoria magazine, I slip aside and sit next to Frank.

   "Hey babe, what's up? Is something wrong?"

"Oh uh, not really. Why?"

   "Nothing you just, seemed a bit on edge. Sorry."

"It's okay, I'm just tired." He smiled as he kissed my cheek gently.

Oh thank god he's just tired. "Oh alright. You can take a nap if you want, I'm here if you want to lean on me."

And with that he leans his head on my shoulder and slowly drifts off to sleep.


Words: 1,009

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