Chapter 3: The Hero

Start from the beginning

Zack's eyes gleamed with understanding. "I get it now. She's not just training for the sake of it. It's personal for her, like it was for you."

Angeal placed a reassuring hand on Zack's shoulder. "We all have our reasons for being here, Zack. Cindy's journey might be different from ours, but it's no less valid. Becoming SOLDIER might just be what she needs to find her way."

Zack nodded, gratitude evident in his expression. "Thanks for explaining, Angeal. I'll do my best to support her."

Angeal smiled, warmth in his eyes. "Just remember, being a hero isn't just about the battles we fight. It's about the people we help along the way."

Zack left Angeal's office with a newfound understanding of Cindy. He couldn't shake the feeling that their paths were intertwined for a reason, and he was determined to be the support Cindy needed on her way to becoming SOLDIER.

As he walked towards the training room, he found himself face to face with a trio of 3rd Class SOLDIERs. They were engaged in a casual conversation, and upon seeing Zack, they greeted him with a friendly nod.

"Hey, Zack, how's it going?" one of them asked.

Zack returned the greeting with a polite smile. "Hey, guys. I'm doing fine. Just came from a meeting with Angeal."

One of the 3rd Class SOLDIERs couldn't help but chuckle. "You're one lucky guy, getting all that special mentorship from Angeal. Must be nice."

Zack shrugged, downplaying it. "Yeah, Angeal's a great mentor. I'm learning a lot."

It was true, that Angeal was an exceptional mentor, but the constant reminders of his 'special mentorship' didn't sit right with him. He had worked hard to earn his place in SOLDIER, just like everyone else.

Their curiosity piqued, another one of the 3rd Class SOLDIERs leaned in, a sly grin on his face. "So, Zack, did they pair you up with one of the female recruits?"

Zack nodded proudly, unable to hide the spark of admiration in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm partnered with Cindy."

Their faces lit up with anticipation. "Cindy, huh? Is she the one with the long black hair? Always in a ponytail?"

Weary of where this conversation was headed, Zack's prideful expression faded, replaced by a hint of annoyance. "Yeah, that's her."

One of the 3rd Class SOLDIERs whistled appreciatively. "Man, she's really hot. You got lucky, man."

"Watch how you talk about her," he warned, his voice carrying a mix of frustration and defensiveness.

The SOLDIERs exchanged glances, seemingly unfazed. "Come on, Zack, we're just having some fun. No harm in appreciating good looks, right?" one of them said, trying to brush off the tension.

But Zack couldn't let it go. "It's not about looks," Zack retorted, his irritation escalating. "We're all here for a reason—to be SOLDIER. Don't reduce her to something trivial."

The SOLDIERs shared an awkward glance, sensing that Zack's mood had shifted. "Alright, calm down, man. We were just messing around. Didn't mean to hit a nerve."

One of them, trying to provoke further, chimed in, "Man, if I were in your shoes, I'd be all over her, for sure."

This crossed a line for Zack, and his protective instincts kicked into high gear. In a burst of anger, he grabbed the guy, shoving him against the wall, his fist clenched, ready to strike. It was unlike him, but the disrespectful comments had struck a nerve. He was prepared to defend Cindy at any cost.

Before he could unleash his anger, a soft voice cut through the tension. "Zack."

Cindy's gentle call was like a lifeline, pulling him back from the brink of his uncharacteristic rage. He turned to her, her eyes meeting his, and the intensity of his fury slowly faded.

She inquired about the situation, asking why he had the guy pinned against the wall. Zack immediately softened, his grip relaxing as he struggled to explain. "I-I... uh, we were just... joking around."

Cindy looked at him with a puzzled expression, her confusion evident. The 3rd Class SOLDIERs shared a knowing smirk among themselves, clearly unfazed by the situation.

As the 3rd class SOLDIERs left, Cindy reflected on the incident, her thoughts meandered through her observations of Zack's behavior. She couldn't help but wonder what had triggered such a strong reaction from someone who typically exuded the warmth and enthusiasm of a puppy. It was a stark departure from his usual self.

The way he had softened when she appeared only deepened her curiosity. She questioned whether her presence had truly become significant to him, enough to elicit such a reaction. They hadn't known each other for that long, and their interactions had primarily revolved around their training within SOLDIER.

Cindy contemplated whether Zack was the type to form connections quickly, whether the camaraderie he showed was a reflection of his genuine nature, or if it had something to do with her specifically.

Zack, while standing there with Cindy, decided not to tell her the details of what had just transpired. He felt a protective instinct welling up within him, a determination to shield her from such comments.

He acknowledged that she was undeniably beautiful, but he understood that she was so much more than that. Her skill, determination, and perseverance were what truly made her admirable. It was her strength and her resilience in the face of hardships that set her apart.

As they stood there in the aftermath of the encounter, Zack found himself grappling with the balance between respecting her boundaries and the natural inclination to be there for her. He understood that Cindy had made it abundantly clear that their relationship was to be purely work-related. It was a challenging situation, but he was determined to find a way to be a source of support and protection for her, even if it meant doing so from a respectful distance.

However, he couldn't deny his caring nature. It was a fundamental part of who he was. He had always been someone who couldn't just switch off his empathy or disregard the well-being of those around him, especially when he felt they were being treated unfairly. Even if she pushed him away or maintained her distance, he couldn't help but care about her and her feelings.

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