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After a long and completely maddening day at work, all you wanted was a stiff drink that you didn't have to make yourself. You decide to go to a bar near your apartment. It opened up a few months ago and you had meant to check it out. You decided better late than never. You walked into the bar and grabbed one of the bar stools at the end of the bar. The place wasn't crowded but a decent number of people were there. You sighed as you took out your phone while you waited for one of the busy bartenders to make their way over to you.

>Gojo: hey

>Gojo: hey

>Gojo: HEY

>Gojo: Guys stop ignoring me!!

>You: talk about annoying

>Gojo: really feeling the love here

>Geto: Satoru, why are you blowing up the group chat?

>You: Thank you Geto.

>Gojo: Just wanted to talk to my friends excuse me

>You: friends? Who?

>Geto: where? Wait you have friends?

>You: Honestly, the same question I was going to ask.

>Gojo: whatever you guys are the worst.

>You: EL OH EL

>Gojo: No seriously though what's up?

And just as you were about to type a message back, the bartender cleared his throat causing you to look up. When you did your mouth fell open in utter shock and bewilderment. You couldn't believe the person, the man, standing in front of you. He was tall, at least 6 ft, had a scar on the corner of his mouth, and had jet black hair that fell in his eyes and his eyes, you could never forget those eyes, those jade green eyes that looked like they could peer into the very depths of your soul. You could do nothing but stare.

The man cleared his throat again. "Are you gonna order or just stare?" You quickly tried to regain some composure as you placed your order. He went to make your drink and a few moments later sat it in front of you. You thanked him and quickly knocked it back. He chuckled a bit and then asked "Rough day?" "Like you wouldn't believe. I'll have another. You know what keep em' coming." You say as you place your credit card on the counter.

He takes it and then places another drink in front of you as he makes his way to other customers. You notice that he keeps looking back at you as if he's trying to figure out if he knows you from somewhere. He can't seem to shake this feeling that he does.

You take out your phone and quickly message the group chat


>Gojo: Whoa what happened?

>Geto: Uh oh not sure I like where this is going

>You: Shut up and get here right now. *sends location*

>Gojo: Why?

>Geto: It's an SOS we don't ask questions we just go remember?

>Gojo: Right. On my way

>Geto: Same

You place your phone back down on the bar, down your drink, and put your hand up indicating the empty glass. But before you know it the man is already placing your drink down. You look up at him and he smirks at you. "You said keep em' coming right?" "That I did." You say as you take a sip. "I'll do my best not to down this one in the next minute or so." "A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." He says chuckling. "Would you care to enlighten me as to why your day was so rough?" And just as you're about to reply Gojo and Geto walk in.

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