And Poseidon here was focused on treating my wound. I could feel his breath on my back. I myself was just staring at him out of the corner of my eye. I looked to Aphrodite who kept arguing with Eros. Aphrodite argues that it is her fault she wasn't there to stop this from happening and Eros is trying to convince her it's not her fault and Hera has gone insane about me being Zeus's wife anyway so whatever she does, she isn't in her right mind. I honestly don't blame Aphrodite and Eros for once is right.

Me and Eros have gotten on well over the past few days ... as well as siblings can get. We have arguments occasionally and they are for the dumbest reasons but that's what being siblings is all about!

"How are you wondering off into your own world when the all of us here are mourning for your arse!" Poseidon shouts

"Because if I don't right now I would be a screaming mess in pain!" I responded in an angry tone

He stopped for a second and looked at me before sighing continuing his task. Oh and I forgot they could mind read too. Just great. Wait ... does that mean I can mind read too.

"No! Go back to your imagery world were your over-thinking !"
Poseidon rushed

"Why?" I asked him

"Because I say so!" He argued

"And I'm the wife of Zeus! I'm the goddess of all gods and goddesses!" I argued back

With that he fell silent. Thanks for ruining my fun, Poseidon. I looked back at him and stared at his eyes. They were filled with anger but it seemed that those beautiful, sea-green eyes of his were the ones that would trick me in a time like this.

'You are beautiful." I heard Poseidon's voice say

"What did you say?" I asked him

"I didn't say anything." He whispered

Looks like I've figured out how to read minds then. Simply wonder what they are thinking and it works! Let's just hope I misheard his though. I started thinking about what everything single person in the room could be thinking about.

Zeus: 'This is madness!'

Aphrodite: 'My beautiful daughter has gotten hurt because of me!'

Eros: 'You've got to be the best sibling I honestly ever had and it has gotten to us this much that mother's blaming herself.'

He really was a good brother sometimes.

Epimetheus: 'Hera has gone mad, she has become an enemy to us.'

Prometheus: 'I agree Epimetheus, she cannot be near us for she's harmful since she's gone mad.'

I didn't know you can read minds when other people are reading each others minds to communicate! Around people I should probably have a clear mind.

And there was Poseidon's mind I didn't wish to read. Suddenly Apollo and Artemis came in the room.

"My queen!" Artemis shouted to me

She took my hand and placed a kiss onto it as so did Apollo.

"I'm sorry about my step-mother!" She continues

"You have my forgiveness, Artemis."

I looked to Apollo. "As do you."

Poseidon had pulled the back of my shirt back down and I layed on my back since I couldn't feel it anymore since their way of doing it here is to heal it then numb it furing the process. I saw a shadow twitching and then it disappeared into thin air.


Guards followed my orders and went after her. I marched off into the throne room with the guards as everyone followed. I pushed pass the guards and raised my head up high. The deities that were sat in their thrones were mourning as so were the nymphs, titans and many more who had gotten my aid. And there she was ... Hera

"Hera! What is the meaning of this!" I shouted

She jumped up in fright. She had done all of this and now she is starting to tear up.

"You are no longer the wife of Zeus!" I shout at her

That made her head drop down in disappointment.

"You are no longer mother of all!" Artemis said for me

"You are no longer Goddess of All!" Apollo added in

"This day you shall see who wins the throne!" Artemis said

Both the twins got into a fighting position, ready to protect me.

"Artemis! Stop that's enough!" A young woman says

She has stormy grey eyes and skin fair but it had a slight olive complexion to it. Her hair was as dark as the night and lips naturally a redish pink but you could tell she had been in a fight.

She came up to Hera and shielded her.

"Who are you?" She asked me

"Who am I? I'm the wife of Zeus and I am the goddess of Aid and Hope!"

She laughed.

"I think you must be mistaken my father is married to Hera."

"There is no mistaking." I said plainly

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" I ask sarcastically

"I am Athena. Daughter of Zeus and Metis and I'm the goddess of War and Wisdom."

I intertwined my fingers together and placed them before my stomach.

"Very well then. What brings you here?"

She gave me a confused look.

"I'm here to protect my mother-"

"But your mother is Metis, goddess of wisdom." I smirked

Everyone bursted out in laughter.

"Then I'm here to protect my step-mother." She said instead

I unsheathed my sword since she did already before speaking.

"But I am your step-mother." I struck her sword which scared her

She swung her blade at me and we continued to make the sound of metal clanging fill the room. The clashing of our swords were enough to set this palace on fire from how dangerous and constant the fire sparks began. She chopped her sword at me but I deflected it. She continues to lunge at me but I parry with my sword. I lunged at her too but she had blocked my strike. I swung my sword at herself mightily which she didn't expect and her sword flung out of her hands and I was quick enough to catch it before anyone else did.

I pointed them at her. She swallowed harshly and panted for breath.

"I will not kill my own child." I told her

I had to have her trust. A warrior like her could be useful. Somehow tears welled up in her eyes. I pulled the sword back slightly. She grabbed the end of my sleep wear and kissed it and placed her forehead onto it. She lifted her head and something in her eyes told me she needed this support of a mother. I stroked her face gently as Hera watched in shock.

Her great warrior was completely forgetting about her and calling a random woman who had stolen her husband 'mother' now.

Athena wrapped her arms around my legs since it was the only thing she could hug for she was on her knees. I hugged her back, stroking her hair while smirking at Hera. She let go of me and bowed her head to me before walking out the large doors leading out of the palace.

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