☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2 ☽

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Y/N's POV:

It's around 11:25, so I wake up Frank so we can head down for lunch.

We all walk to the cafeteria and get in line to get our lunch. Once we all get our trays, we sit at one of the outdoor tables.

We don't really have any serious shit to talk about so we just mess around. But somehow lunch ended with Ray having to wash his hair in the bathroom sink because Frank threw his nacho cheese into Ray's hair. So uh, yeah.

"Frank! What the hell? Do you know how hard it is to get cheese out of hair?" Ray yells as he stood up.

"No, and I'm wondering why you do know!" Frank says laughing. I have to admit it's funny, but I also feel bad for Ray, I mean he has super curly hair so this is going to be hard to get out.

Ray stormed off inside so he could clean out his hair. On the other hand, Gerard taps my shoulder to get my attention.

"Hey, me and Mikey are throwing an end of the school year party, and we wanted to know if you wanted to come. Frank and Ray are. And a lot of the other kids from school are too." Gerard says with a big grin on his face.

"Yeah sure, why not! I'll be over around 9:00, is that okay?"

He nods as we all walk inside the cafeteria and then back to the art room.

Around 30 minutes later Ray comes in, his hair is still wet, and still smells a bit like nacho cheese. As soon as he walks in Frank immediately started laughing.

"Frank, stop it.." I whisper at him and hit him in the side. He immediately stopped, trying to make as serious of a face as he could at the moment.

This was basically how the rest of the day went. It was around 2:45, so Mikey, Gerard, Frank, and I decided to start get going to walk home. I said bye to Ray and apoligized for Frank since I know damn well he wouldn't himself.

We walked to our street, which wasn't to far from school. "Bye guys! See you later!" I yelled and waved as I walked into my house.

As soon as I walked in Lawrie was sat on the couch watching TV. Most likely either football, or a horror movie. I walked in and leaned on the back of the couch to see that he was watching The Shining. Which is like one of my favorite Stephen King movies ever.

"You're watching this without me?" I ask Lawrie and jump over the back of the couch to sit next to him. "I can't believe you!" I say sarcasticly and punch him in the shoulder.

"Sorry! It just came on like 15 minutes ago!" He laughs. "Anyways how was school, kiddo?"

"It was pretty good." I then explain the whole nacho cheese thing that happened at lunch. That made Lawrie laugh a lot so that's good. "Oh also, I'm going over Gerard and Mikey's later for a party. And I'll probably sleep over there so don't worry about me if I don't come back."

"Okay, make sure to smoke whatever you get handed, and drink a ton." Lawrie chuckles and kisses my cheek. I then run upstairs to my bedroom. I have a while before I have to get ready so I lay there in my bed as Wait and Bleed by Slipknot plays in my CD player.

"...I felt the hate rise up in me...." I whisper to myself as the song plays. As the song gets faster and louder I sing louder and begin to jump around my room. "Inside my shell, I wait and bleed!"

I was singing until I look out my window to see Gerard watching me from his window, I never closed mine completly this morning so it was wide open. I stare at him for a few seconds before pausing the CD and running over to my window.

"Please tell me you didn't hear that whole thing..!" I say, not too loud but loud enough for him to hear.

"Em, not the whole thing, but y'know most of it I guess." He chuckles with an amused face.

"Oh come on, Gee! You could've told me to shut my window at least!" Yes, obviously I'm embarrassed but my singing is NOT good at all, plus it's Slipknot.

"No, no, it's fine. To be honest you have a nice voice." He replies, almost reading my mind. I know Gerard gives me compliments all the time, but for some reason this felt kind of special.

"Oh uh, thanks." I smile at him. Nice voice? I was singing fucking slipknot. But thanks anyway. "Anyways, what're you doing? Setting up for the party yet?"

"Mikey's 'experimenting' with drinks. He's trying to make some weird ass alcoholic thing. I don't know at this point. He's just being weird."

I chuckle and lean against the windowsill. "Well, I'll be over soon then to test this 'experimental' drink he's making." I wink I shut my window and turn away.

I check my clock that's on my desk. 3:35. God damn, I have a lot of time on my hands. I'll go over at 8:10.

"LAWRIEE!! WHATS FOR DINNER?!" I yell as I peek my head out of my door. "IT'S ALMOST 4:00! SO GET COOKING!"

"IT'S FUCKING PASTA NIGHT CALM DOWN! I'M MAKING THE NOODLES!" He yells back. Finally, pasta night is the best. And I get to make dessert tonight, so even better. I'll make sure to bring some over to Gerard's house.

A few hours go by, I ate dinner, made brownies, and listened to music as I drew in my room. I checked the clock. 7:00. I should probably change and do my makeup and hair.

I went to my closet and looked through it. I grabbed a black Nirvana shirt, a black and white plad skirt, and some fishnet tights. I then slipped on a pair of Doc Marten boots. I went to the bathroom with a small makeup bag, and a hair straightener. I put on some dark red eyeliner, black lipstick, and then straighten and style my hair like the damn emo kid I am. I set my stuff back in my room and go downstairs.

"Lawrie! I'm going over Gee's. I'll be back whenever I get back, if I even come back." I say to him as I put some of my leftover brownies on a plate covered with foil.

"Alright have fun. And call me if you're sleeping over." He says from the couch.

I grab the plate of brownies, walk out the front door, and quickly make my way over to Gerard's house.


Total words: 1143

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