"What's your name?" I asked, ready to type it into the system of the computer

"Harley Graham"

Suits her, I thought, typing her name into the computer, "Ah, yes, Dracula?"

"That's me" She replied, making me laugh, "No, I mean obviously I'm not Dracula, I just meant that's my book" I finished laughing and looked down at her flustered face, still smiling softly

"I know, it was just funny" I said walking around the counter, "I'll just go get it"

I walked into the stock room at the back of the store and sighed. I see one pretty girl and suddenly I can't do my job properly. Control yourself. Just a girl getting her book, and I'm just the person giving it to her. I rummaged through the pre ordered books before I found it. As I walked out of the room, I saw her looking through the other books on the horror shelf.

"Horror fan?" I ask, walking behind the counter

"Yeah, not movies though" She says, making me laugh slightly

"I love horror movies" I say scanning her book, "Anything else you want?"

"No that's it thank you"

She hands me the money, as I slide her the book across the counter. I smile at her once more before saying, "Bye have a nice day!"
"You too" She said, turning around to smile at me before walking away


After I finished, I closed up the shop and headed home. I knew I needed to be on time, otherwise Theo would go mad at me. So I cycled home as fast as I could, not wanting to make him mad,"I'm home" I said, as I opened the door

"Hi honey" My dad replied as I walked into the kitchen

The table was set, and the smell of macaroni and cheese surrounded the house, "Good you're here, I was starting to think you might've been late" Theo said from behind me, which caused me to roll my eyes

I've never really understood why Theo has such a problem with my sexuality, after all, he's not even religious. He just thinks it isn't natural or acceptable. I wonder if his girlfriend thinks the same. My thoughts are interrupted however, by knocking at the door. I guess I'm about to find out.

Theo hurries to the door, opening it and welcoming in his girlfriend. I can see she had brown hair, but Theo is stood in front of her and I can't quite see the rest. As they walk into the kitchen and Theo moves out to the way and my mouth drops.


She looks just as beautiful as she did earlier, but this time her hair is down and slightly curled.

"Family this is Harley, Harley this is my family" Theo says gesturing to us

I make eye contact with her. She smiles at me, remembering our encounter from earlier today.

"My name's Mark, and this is my wife Grace" My dad says offering his hand

"Nice to meet you" She replies, taking his hand and shaking it

He walks back to the oven, preparing the food, "Theo come and taste this" He says

As Theo walks past, he whispers, "Go introduce yourself"

I roll my eyes, I walk towards Harley, catching her attention, "You have a beautiful home" She says smiling politely

"Thank you" I reply offering my hand, "It's nice to formally meet you, I'm Kelsey" She laughs, Oh god, that laugh again

"We've technically already met" She says taking my hand anyways

The contact sending sparks through my hand, "I didn't introduce myself though"

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