Chapter 32: Happy Birthday

Start from the beginning

"Y/ can step off of these for a bit now. We'll have our guys around the names you've provided for us. Still keep it up, but we need you to keep an eye out for the man with the tattoo. He's dangerous."

I nod my head in agreement. "What about school? Am I allowed to go back?" Agent Dewolff sighs at my question, "We know you should be back there. But we think it's best if you continue getting your work at home and focus on the transition of the company okay?"

"And Wanda?" I asked not acknowledging about the answer to my last question.

"You're an adult Y/n. You can make your own decision if we keep you on this hunt." Agent Dewolff said to me as she turned back to look at the evidence I brought. I smiled to myself and walked out faster than usual. Yes I knew I was putting Wanda in danger, but I had the company now which only meant higher protection. I get on my bike and put on my helmet. Thank god no news reporter was following me around recently. They were probably waiting more at my company instead.

I speed off back home and see my car that I had given to Wanda sitting in the driveway. I walk in receiving a text from Bruce asking which girl I had spoken to about Kingpin. I quickly respond as I smell something coming from the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen I see Wanda cooking minding her own business with music playing.

"Hi..." I said as she screamed and turned holding her hand up to her chest.

"Y/ long have you been standing there. Geez." I smirk at her placing my helmet onto the counter.

"I just got back don't worry. What's all this?" I asked walking towards her.

"It's a birthday dinner for my favorite girl." She teased as she continued cooking.

I look over at the stove to see what she was cooking.
"Ooo is that some homemade ravioli?" I said hugging her from behind. She giggled as I felt one of her hands reach across my arm holding her.

"No babe. It's Pelmeni. It's like a little dumpling." I kiss her cheek as I can feel her cheek filled with a smile.

"Sounds delicious." I walk around the counter as my phone began to vibrate. "I'll be right back. I have to take this call real quick." I can see her give me a slight smile as she was zoned in her work.

*Wanda's POV*

I knew this was how it was going to be once Y/n took over the company. I saw how busy Hazel was all the time so I didn't mind Y/n having to take calls. I just wished it wasn't Jarvis and his group of friends. I patiently wait for Y/n to come back as I continue cooking the dish for her. I also got her some birthday gifts but that can wait until later. I hear Y/n shut the office door as she came out throwing a hoodie over her head plating our dishes.

"What can I get you to drink tonight?" She said opening the fridge looking inside.

"Oh! No need to worry I have that figured out." I run over to the other side of the kitchen island and grab the bottle of wine.

"Care to do the honors?" I said holding out the bottle to her. She looks down at the bottle and giggles,

"Oh you came prepared huh?" She said grabbing the bottle out of my hand.

"Oh honey that's not even the best part yet." I run over as I grab some dvd's for movie marathons. I hold them up to her,

"You can choose whichever movie marathon tonight." She walks over to look at the options as she has the wine bottle in her hand opening it up. She chuckles to herself,

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