"Haven't had anything to say, mom." Sage said, blankly.

At the sound of her phone beeping, Sage reached into her pocket, grabbing it out. She looked down at it, quickly reading the text.

"Who is it?"

"No one."

"Why won't you tell me?" Lorelai prodded. "Because, it's no one." Sage's eyes snapped up. "Is it Jess?"

Sage laughed, running her tongue along the inside of her cheek. "You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're kidding."

"Jess? Who's Jess?" Emily asked.

"I'm not kidding." Lorelai shook her head, her eyes locked onto Sage's. "Why would you just assume it's him? I know other people too, not sure if you've noticed."

"Why won't you tell me who it is?"

"Who's Jess?" Emily repeated. "Luke's nephew." Lorelai said.

"It's not Jess, okay? It's Maddy. You know, my best friend? The girl you've known for five years? The girl who comes over like once a week? Remember her?" Sage asked, her tone sharp. "Why? You don't trust me?"


"Oh, wait! Sorry, I forgot. I'm not trustworthy anymore, hell, I probably never have been." She seethed

Was she being dramatic? Yes. Did she care? No. Not at all.

"That's not funny. You've been acting so snappy all week—"

"We're not doing this again." Sage shook her head, crossing her arms.

"What? Not doing what? Is it about this Jess boy?" Emily asked, looking between the two of them.

"You know, when Rory first met Dean, you didn't like him either." Sage argued.

"That because I didn't know him."

"And now you don't like Jess?"

"That's because I know him."

Sage groaned, "no, you don't. That what you aren't getting. That's why I'm so mad."

"Are you dating Jess?" Emily's eyes darted to Sage.

Truthfully? She didn't know.

"No," she sighed, directing her attention back to her mom.

"No, but he's trying to weasel his way in." Lorelai accused. "He is not." Sage replied.

"In where?"

"In Sage's world. He has his eye on her, and he's trouble." Lorelai scoffed. "He's not trouble! Not in the way you think."

"Yes, he is."

"Sage, if your mother thinks this boy isn't appropriate for you, then you need to listen to her." Emily scolded, making Sage roll her eyes. "There. Thank you, mom." Lorelai said.

Sage clenched her jaw, biting her tongue. "Excuse me, I'm not hungry."

"Sage—" Rory tried, watching her walk away. "Not right now, Rory, okay?" She gave her a small, forced smile.

Sage walked into her grandpa's study, shutting the door. She made her way over to the phone, dialling a number.


"Hi, Mr. Blake, it's Sage. Is Maddy there?" Sage asked, her knee bouncing up and down.

"Hello, Sage. She's getting ready to go out with some friends, I can ask her to call you back in a minute if you'd like?" He offered, his words sounding completely clear for the first time in awhile.

Sage found herself smiling for Maddy, she deserved that.

"No, it's—it's okay," she sighed, trying to sound enthusiastic, "just tell her I hope she has fun."

"I will," he said. "Thank you, bye."

She groaned, tossing her head back.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

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