Chapter 25

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T/N: It's longer compared to what I previously posted on my old account.

Astelle was taken aback. Upon discovering spots on her wrist, she hurriedly ended her bath and returned to her room. After drying Theor and dressing him, she began to change her clothes. Just as she was about to change, she heard a knock at the door. Assuming it was a maid, she absentmindedly opened the door, forgetting she was in her indoor gown.

To her surprise, Kaizen stood before her. Astelle noticed his slight astonishment as his eyes briefly glanced over her. Her white gown, while not as thin as a bathrobe, wasn't entirely covering her body. Hastily adjusting her gown and draping a coat over herself, she addressed the most crucial matter.

"I think I have a fever," she disclosed.

"What?" Kaizen reacted with surprise, his eyes betraying shock. "You have a fever... How bad is it?"

Astelle found herself equally astonished by Kaizen's reaction.

'Is this so astonishing? Perhaps he believes it's the highly contagious and fatal Innes fever because I only mentioned 'fever.'

She quickly clarified, "It's not a severe fever. It's just an ordinary one in the early stages; there's no fever, only spots."

To demonstrate, Astelle showed her wrist to Kaizen. "I have spots here."

Kaizen fell silent, examining the red spots on Astelle's arm.

"Eastern fever begins like this. If untreated, it gradually escalates to a fever."

"I am aware of how the eastern fever progresses," Kaizen interjected, seemingly frustrated, cutting off Astelle's explanation. Kaizen appeared slightly agitated. Despite hearing that the disease wasn't highly contagious, he didn't seem relieved.

Why does he appear to be guilty?

Was it because he believed the rain had caused her illness? Perhaps he was blaming himself for bringing Theor to the hunting lodge on a rainy day.

'But he's not the type to be bothered by that.'

Astelle replied ambiguously, "I'm glad you know."

Suddenly, Kaizen advanced towards Astelle, startling her enough to take a step back. "What are you—" she began, but her words were interrupted by a clear voice.

"Hello, Your Majesty."

In a sparsely furnished room with a central bed, Theor, who had been playing with a doll, noticed Kaizen's arrival and hurried over to him. Looking up at Kaizen with his clear blue eyes, Theor spoke, clinging to Kaizen, "Your Majesty, Aunt Astelle is sick."

Kaizen, while stroking Theor's damp hair, assured the child, "Your aunt will be fine." Then, he turned his gaze to Astelle with a piercing look.

"You fell ill, and what were you doing with a child here? You should have summoned the doctor immediately."

"I was just about to change and go to the doctor," Astelle explained. She had just returned from a bath.

Kaizen instructed his attendant to summon the doctor.

"Call for the doctor."

After some time, the doctor, who was accompanying the entourage, arrived. It was Vellian who had brought the doctor. Lyndon also came to report something to the emperor and joined the gathering in Astelle's room. All three individuals showed up in her quarters.

Vellian appeared visibly surprised upon learning about Astelle's illness. When Astelle observed him closely, Vellian deliberately avoided meeting her gaze.

"The diagnosis is an unexpected case of eastern fever," announced the doctor after examining Astelle. "Fortunately, it's not highly contagious and not a severe illness. I caught it early, so with medication and sufficient rest, you'll recover quickly."

This prognosis was the anticipated outcome. Astelle nodded with little effort, while Kaizen clearly relaxed upon the doctor's confirmation. He turned to Vellian and issued an order.

"Inform the manager here to send more maids and servants. Let's move her bedroom to the main building."

"Your Majesty," Astelle interrupted, drawing everyone's attention in the room.

"If you permit, I wish to stay here and recuperate. I also want to craft the remedy myself to prevent any rumors from spreading."

"What?" Kaizen looked at Astelle incredulously. "What are you saying?"

"Isn't there an epidemic nearby? It might be Innes fever."

Vellian and Lyndon, standing and gazing into the distance, were equally surprised this time. Kaizen, with a suspicious look, questioned, "Where did you hear this?"

"I didn't hear it from anyone," Astelle replied, internally noting she was purely guessing.

Observing Kaizen's earlier reaction to the term 'fever,' Astelle became convinced of her assumption. There seemed to be no patients in this village, thanks to the disguised pharmacist among the maids. However, surrounding villages weren't as fortunate. There appeared to be a village ravaged by a plague somewhere in the vicinity.

Kaizen's exaggerated reaction to the word 'fever' confirmed Astelle's suspicions. She then elaborated step by step on why she guessed that an infectious disease was spreading. However, she tactfully omitted any mention of Kaizen's overreaction, solely focusing on the silver plum blossoms as the basis of her deduction.

Once again, Astelle calmly explained her rationale.

"If word spreads that someone in the Emperor's entourage has a fever, the nearby residents might panic," she began. She highlighted the danger of misconceptions among those unfamiliar with Innes fever. Regardless of clarifications, the lack of understanding could lead to panic, possibly staining this village as a source for an infectious disease.

"The damage will befall this village entirely," Astelle continued. In these rural areas, sustenance came from farming and bartering with neighboring villages. Any hint of isolation due to the perceived spread could severely impact their livelihoods.

She therefore pleaded with everyone to rest quietly. She noted the suspicion that would arise if the Emperor's physician visited frequently. "I'll prepare the medicine myself. I only require the ingredients."

Astelle had learned extensively about common Eastern fevers from Gretel. She knew the remedy wouldn't demand rare elements; most could be found in the forests.

Her unspoken purpose lay in creating a medicine to alter eye color. Originally planning to explore the village and forest with Theor the next morning, her unexpected illness disrupted these plans. With her medication's effects lasting about three days, this might be her sole chance to gather herbs and create the necessary medicines.

Having concluded her explanation, Astelle awaited Kaizen's consent. However, the expressions of the people gathered in the room were puzzling. Everyone remained silent, gazing at Astelle with unusual looks.

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