Future : Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"Normal people... That's certainly a cheap way to put it... in parallel worlds, we were all humans that refined over our worlds!" He glared at all of them. "But in this world, things were different due to misfortune. Byakuran-sama was the one who changed our weaknesses into strengths!" He pointed out. A click was heard as Xanxus put his gun to Kikyou's temple. "Shut up." He stated. He glanced at the Yakuza Princess who gave him one nod.

A loud bang was heard as Xanxus blasted Kiyou's head. Kyoko and Haru screamed and turned to Bianchi. Reborn and Mukuro both signed. "Xanxus!" Tsuna called the Varia leader. "Shut up!" He told him as well. Sakura shook her head. "It'll be alright. I'll keep him alive." the Sun user for the Varia assured them all as Xanxus went over to the Yakuza Princess.

It was time to say goodbye. He got on one knee and took the back of her hand. "Even in the past you are welcomed among the Varia if you ever grow bored of him." he assured her and kissed it. Sakura giggled. "Thank you Xanxus." she told him. He stood up and looked at his misfits then looked down at Hibari, who was glaring up at him. "You're one lucky son of a bitch." he said to him and walked away. Hibari only glared in return.

Tsuna was feeling exhausted and ended up falling back. "So many people were hurt in this battle... Yamamoto's dad, and people from other parallel worlds have died... We've won, but everything is so messed up... was there any meaning behind this victory?" Tsuna asked. "Tsuna..." Yamamoto frowned.

"OF COURSE THERE WAS, DAMN IT!" They all knew that voice. Everyone looked over to see if it was really him. "It's hot," Tazaru yelled, stepping back. "What the hell is this?" Nosaru commented, blocking his eyes from the blinding light. "You all did well, damn it!" A bright blinding white light appeared around the pacifiers. "That voice!" Lal yelled. With the pacifier glowing the arcobaleno made their appearance.

"Colonello... that means...." Tsuna couldn't believe it. "The arcobaleno!" Dino yelled. "Have finally revived!" Gokudera finished his thought. "So many babies!" Kyoko couldn't believe it either. "Where did they come from?" Haru asked, jumping back a little. "They're the powerful infants that are part of the trinisette, and have an important role in monitoring the trinisette as well. They're the arcobaleno, and old friends of Reborn." Bianchi explained to the girls.

"Found you, Mammon!" Bell smiled. "Master!" Ryohei was excited. "Colonello..." Lal whispered. "Master!" Ipin cheered. "You're all late." Reborn said. "What did you say, Reborn?" Skull yelled out. "Chill it, Skull." Colonello commented. "Everyone really is an infant..." Tsuna couldn't believe it. Hibari and Sakura were closer to the group. He didn't care for the infants but Sakura seemed greatly amused to see them all there.

"We all know the situation. Uni communicated with us through the flames that went through our pacifiers." Colonello explained. "Uni?" Tsuna was surprised. "Yes. Uni also informed us of what influence Byakuran's defeat would have on the world." The Chinese dressed baby said. "By Byakuran being defeated and the mare rings losing their power, all the damage in the parallel worlds caused by the mare rings would be erased from the past." the green hair one said. "In other worlds, all the deeds done by Byakuran would disappear without a trace, Damn it!" Colonello concluded.

"Eh? Does that mean that Yamamoto's dad and the people killed by the Milliefiore will come back?" Tsuna asked desperately. "Their deaths will be erased too, I bet." Colonello agreed. "How wonderful!" Bianchi cheered. "Pops..." Yamamoto muttered. Everyone shared different expressions of excitement and relief to know that everyone who died or was involved would be coming back too.

"Wait, I'm sorry to dampen things, but... is rewriting other dimensions even possible? Can you even calculate such things?" Irie asked, worried and not understanding the science behind it all. "You fool. The phenomena caused by the Trinisette are far beyond human knowledge. Humans can accomplish nothing by tapping away at their computers when it comes to this. With what knowledge we currently have, we can explain the cause of the trinisette as 'a miracle' or 'the will of someone'" The green-haired baby spoke again. Irie was at a loss for words.

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