not mine

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Kianna pov

It's currently 4:00 and micky and odane are at the doctor to check if its his child or not ,not gonna lie I'm a bit nervous

And the bitch had the nerve to say she was sick so if they could go next week but odane being odane him ruff her up and she seh she feel better 😂

Me and Aliyah are currently at keneka because she claims she's pregnant like the girl worry bout everything her period probably late

"Girl me feel me two months because me no remember if me see none last month " she complained

"If you were pregnant you would be vomiting 24 7 right round the clock "I informed her

"That mia try tell her before me did lose me baby me couldn't keep down nothing  I had to eat ice" aliyah said laughing but keneka didn't

"You were pregnant " Keneka asked

"Yep" me and Aliyah answered in union wow Keneka mumbled to her self

"Probably uno right but me hungry me feel fi fish" keneka Said

"Same" me and Aliyah said in union which cause us to laugh

We got up and headed to the kitchen I got started on cutting up the seasoning while keneka and Aliyah did the fish can't bother with the smell pan my hand right now

"Me no like scale fish eno" aliyah complained

"Same" me and Kenka said in union which cause us to laugh during our little laughing session some one knocked on the door "coming "keneka shout she washed her hands tried them then went to open the door she peeped through tge peep hole and the opend the door

It was Adrian jay ans odane and they all had rose's in their hands keneka took hers and kissed Adrian and Aliyah did the same for jay

Odane finally reached were I was standing and handed me my rose I smiled and thanked  him the rose gad a note I gave him a curious look and opend it

"It's not mine"i read out loud but I was confused it not mine what does that me-

My eyes widen and I dropped the rose and jumped on him and fill his face with kisses

"Soo you forgive me" I smiled "no not yet" and placed me down on my feet and kissed me "me can work with that"

And we went about our day

Next day
Aliyah pov 1:23pm

I'm currently at jay's house we're in his room cuddling watching a movie when his phone alerted him that someone was at the door

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I'm currently at jay's house we're in his room cuddling watching a movie when his phone alerted him that someone was at the door

But he has a security at his house boy house big eno

He hissed him teeth and got up and I fid the same I filled him down the stairs to the door he opend it and it was his baby mother with his son on her side

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