"Maybe I'm on to something. Maybe I'm not." He says, crossing his arms over his chest. I catch his biceps flexing under his uniform, the muscles in his chest prominent under his fitted suit. Suddenly I'm hungry for a different kind of food. 

Lazarus notices, he always notices when I yearn for him. It's what gives him the power between us. I have to tear my gaze away, refusing to give him any more satisfaction. 

Once dinner is over, we proceed to the control room with our drinks. An officer is manning the cruise controls so we sit back and look out into the vast space around us, a blanket of nothingness so large, so infinite. 

So much potential for exploration, for discovery, for power. 

"What would you do to a Plutonian who has been supplying intel to an alien rebel group?" Lazarus suddenly asks me and I wonder if he's already caught someone. 

The insinuation that one of us could betray an entire empire and risk what we have built for millennia burns me up inside. 

"There wouldn't be any need for torture since we have our memory devices from Elca, but if it were true a little torture before death would be warranted. To betray the empire is the highest treason, no Plutonian should be exempt." I say it with so much angst that he smiles at me in admiration. 

"When you say things like that it makes me want to do all sorts of things." Lazarus pauses and stares at my lips, making me gulp. "To you."

His heated stare makes me swallow hard, the room growing smaller with each passing second. 

"You make it sound like you've caught the culprit already." I wrap myself under a small blanket for comfort and pretend to study our view instead of him. "Have you?" 

"Darling, if we caught the rebels, the entire universe would know." Lazarus leans closer, his proximity making me nervous. "Now tell me, what would you do if the rebels caught were aliens? Humans perhaps?" 

I scoff in response. "Humans would hardly be able to achieve such a feat. Look at how they are on Earth and Pluto." 

The humans fate has not been as favourable as I would have liked. They are treated so poorly on Pluto, their weaknesses constantly exploited and most of them die out because of it. To be honest I was never in favour of the intergration, but Planet X will wipe us out within a few years and Earth was our discovery to begin with. 

I can only hope that when we move to Earth and amalgamate on a larger scale that our two species will eventually become one. And then there will be no exploitation of the weaker species because our genes will be predominantly the same. 

No Plutonians, halfbreeds or humans. Only Plutonians. 

But this would be blasphemy if I said this out loud to the the general public so I've kept these sentiments to myself. Everyone wants slaves they can control but wouldn't it be better to compensate the service workers appropriately instead of enslaving them? We are certainly rich enough to pay those who serve us, so why don't we?

Lazarus is waiting for my answer and just like any other question I know this is a test. One that I must pass in order to gain more intel. 

"An alien should receive a harsher punishment, don't you think? We've helped them so benevolently, any betrayal on their part would be the height of ungratefulness." 

He nods slowly, smile widening slightly at my answer. "I agree wholly. If we do not hold the empire with an iron fist, cracks are bound to form." 

"That is true." I say after another pause and Lazarus looks like he wants to touch my hand. He reaches out for me but stops realising I'm buried under the blanket. 

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