"Last one. Is y/n yln gay? Yes I am, I am sorry to all the men out there, but I do not swing for men. Does y/n yln still produce movies? I have not recently. But I would love to in the future. I guess I really loved doing it for HSM but I don't think I could take the stress right now." I cracked my neck and peeled the last question. "Does y/n yln have a stylist? No I do not, I just think that my clothes are a big part of my self expression and I love the creative freedom." I broke the board in half and smiled. "That's all the questions, I hope you enjoyed this and thank you WIRED for having me." I blew a kiss and the cameras stopped.

I got up from the chair and said thank you to all the people in the studio before walking outside where people had surrounded my car. I said hi to everyone and got in my car and drove to a small cafe. I ordered a drink and went home. I sat at my computer and started writing emails when Liv FaceTimed me. I answered the call and smiled seeing her face.

"Hey love, how was the interview?" I sighed and laid down on my back.

"Good, I'm just doing some emails right now." She smiled and got up before I took a sip of my drink. "So we're still on for dinner tonight?" I asked, looking back at my laptop as I finished up an email.

"Yep, and there's a picture of us going around right now. Just to let you know." I looked back at my phone and swiped out of the call and opened instagram.

(Top one is y/n)

livhq: liked by User26 and 893,395 others

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livhq: liked by User26 and 893,395 others

Photo of Olivia Rodrigo and y/n yln on the couch at Olivia's house for dinner last night!!!

User237: They are sooooo dating

User103: There is no way yall are just besties

User94: Leave them alone guys if they haven't confirmed it then don't say anything

User893: Didn't realize Liv is gay

User737: Most unexpected celeb couple

I clicked back into the facetime and Liv was scratching her head.

"Yea that pic was on Madison's story. She meant to post it to close friends but it went to the wrong one. I was there and she deleted it right away but I guess they snagged it before she could." I nodded.

"I believe you, it was an honest mistake." Liv nodded and I smiled.

"Maybe dinner wouldn't be the best idea?" I shook my head and Liv sighed. "Ok good, because I had no intentions of canceling." I nodded and sent the last email.

"Are you sure you're ok with this? You were kinda worried about coming out online." She shook her head.

"I know I will have to eventually, but I don't really feel like I have to explain myself." I nodded and she got up and walked somewhere.

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