Imperfectly Perfect Her Smile

Start from the beginning

Somehow this shortie with mid-long dark brown hair and dark blue eyes keeps me warm.

As we continued with our work Ben one of my good friends here sprinted to me.

"Didn't your sister study at Heartwood High School?"

"Yeah, she does, why you ask?"

"Oh maaaaan...." Ben started to look at me with some kina sympathy and I didn't like that look at all.

"Out with it." I said impatiently.

"You see...there was...they say many are hurt..." Ben continue to mumble and I couldn't understand him.

"BEN! Tell me what's wrong, slowly and clearly so I can understand."

Suddenly he just took me by my elbow and began to drag me outside the library towards TV, that was in the hall.

There were a crowd already near the TV and many of the students looked very sad and some girls were even crying.

"We now have information that 10 students are dead and one was rushed to the hospital. Aimee Tinny the girl who was rushed to hospital was the last person whom the gunman fired before the snippers took him down. From our sources it seemed that Aimee, 18 years old was wounded while protecting her boyfriend Jace Littlebird the captain of Heartwood's High School football team...

The reporter kept on going but I was out of it. Suddenly my legs just gave in and I felt to the ground. My little sister was shot and I was here hours away from her I need to do something, I need to drive home, I need to call my parents, I need to go to the hospital, I need to make sure Aimee is okay, I need to...

As I was driving myself with worry and over-thinking, someone lightly squeezed my shoulder.

"Adrian you need to go home." Fae said while looking at me with understanding and sadness.

"Yeah, yeah I should...I need..." I couldn't form my sentence but Fae seemed to get what I need and I was grateful for that.

In no time I and Fae were on the road. Yes, Fae argued with me to come along saying I am in no state in mind to drive safely. In the end I agreed with her but her driving 20 miles over speed limit I wouldn't consider safe, not that I am complaining. I need to get to Aimee fastest as I can.

Jace's P.o.V.

What do people think or do when their loved ones are in operation room fighting for theirs life. Some may pray for God's help, some are making hundred and one promises to themselves for future, some are thinking about all the good stuff that happened to them and their loved ones and how happy they were, and maybe some are thinking about fights or arguments that seem pointless right now.

I personally can't do anything but think about Aimee's smile. Her smile is the only thing that is clearly in my mind. I refuse to believe that I wouldn't see her smile ever again.

"She will be alright."

"Our Aimee is strong."

"She will wake up and laugh at us for looking like this."

Sky, Blue, Alex, Logan, Nali and Mia were all saying something to make the situation not so gloomy and just a little lighter.

"WHERE IS MY LITTLE SISTER?" came the voice I once was afraid but now I couldn't be bothered.

"Adrian..." Started Mr. Tinny cause Suzanne was silently crying and she haven't spoken a word since nurse came to inform us that the operation will be a long one.

"How is...How is she." Adrian asked with shaky voice.

"We don't know, the nurse said that it will be a hard and long operation cause the bullet hit her in the head and damaged her temporal lobe, and they don't know how severe it was until they operate further. They started about 4 hours ago and no one informed us how long more it will take." Mr. Tinny said like a robot but his eyes showed clear pain.

"YOU!!!!" Adrian shouted suddenly and before I knew it my jaw was on fire from being hit hard.

"ADRIAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Shouted some girl behind him, that I never saw before.

"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT, IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU AIMEE WOULDN'T BE HURT," he kept on shouting in my face.

To tell the truth I couldn't disagree, Adrian was right. If it wasn't for Aimee protecting me she wouldn't be hurt in any way. She needed to stay under that table and not be right in front of the gunman with me. That's why I didn't push Adrian back or fight back him when he hit me the second time.

"Adrian stop, please." When Adrian heard his mom's plea he stopped even though by looking at his eyes I knew he was ready to go on and on.

"But it's his fault mom!"

"No it isn't. If it was me and your dad I would do anything for him too. Adrian what Aimee did it's the poorest way to show their true love. So don't be mad at Jace Aimee wouldn't be pleased with you when she see Jace after she wakes up."

"If she wakes up at all." He said quietly but we all heard it anyways.

"ADRIAN!!!" Mr. Tinny shouted after Suzanne burst in tears.

"I will bring coffee, we will all need it." He said shortly and walked away with that girl I never saw before.

After that it was quiet once again. It took another 5 hours before the doctor finally come to tell us all the details.

They say that you can tell if the news will be good or bad by looking at doctor, but this doctor was master in making a poker face. His expression was neutral and wasn't giving away anything no matter how long I was staring at him.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tinny may I have word with you."

"You can tell as it all here," said Mr. Tinny. I was thankful for him saying that just as the gang I am sure.

Doctor's eyes finally started to show some feelings and I really didn't like what I saw. Guilt was all over his face now.

"As you wish Mr. Tinny, the operation started well and there were no big concern for Aimee's life but at the end your daughter flatlined and we did all tha-

The doctor couldn't continue cause Suzanne passed out just as world 'flatlined' came out of doctor's mouth.

And just like that my whole world fell apart too.


So yeah... like I said come and get me, I am lonely...

Okay, seriously I am sorry that I haven't updated..But I have some issues with my health( the longer version of this may come later) plus now I have 2 jobs, 7 times a week ... so I am at work from 4am till 4pm... Today I had a free day cause I had dentist...(Glad to inform you'll that my teeth are in great condition... yaaaay <3)

The song: Sia - Salted Wound ( LOVE just LOVE SIA'S songs <3 this one in particular)


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