S1 E4: We Messed Up

Start from the beginning

On one of the many screens, Mr. Gar was back inside the store. "Forgot my car keys" He said looking around the store. "Mr. Gar is back!!!" Enid said in panic. "We're goners!!!" Rad said. "How did he drive the car with no keys" I wondered. K.O's hands started to sweat perfusively and the picture slipped out of his hands. It flew over to Enid who nervously failed catching it sending it over to Rad. "I'll catch it with my freeze finger!" Rad said. He pointed his pointer finger firing a laser that destroyed the picture.

I slowly turned my head toward Rad. "I think you forgot to switch it from the mess everything up finger" I said angrily. "No that's on the other hand" Rad said showing his fingers were labeled. "Rad, you clown! Not he's really going to be disappointed!" Enid said freaking out. "Hey, don't go accusing me. We all committed this trespassing crime together" Rad said. "I don't know what you mean, because I am not here" I said crossing my arms looking away.

Enid and Rad frantically thought of what they should do next. K.O thought as well and came to a decision. "We do the right thing and admit our mistake to Mr. Gar" K.O said. "Uh..... how about something less upfront? I mean just imagine how Gar would react if we actually did that" Enid said going into deep thought. Everyone else thought about it too and it made K.O cry for some reason. "I got it, why don't you two go distract Gar, while me and K.O ask Carol for help" I said explaining my plan.

They nodded in agreement, and sent K.O into the vent. Then the rest of went back up to the store where Gar spotted them. "Radicles, Enid, Rhianna, any particular reason why your loitering so close to my office" Gar said using my real name instead of my short name. "I was just about to go over here and do something, something important, might save a couple of lives" I said winking at Rad and Enid. "And we we're uh practicing a new dance" Rad said randomly. Gar squinted at the two. "Oh really. LET ME SEE IT" He said sternly.

I walked out of the store and ran over to the fitness dojo where Carol was teaching her class. "And one and two and punch!" Carol said punching the air. I opened the front door and came inside. "Hey Carol can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked. Before she could answer K.O called out from the vent. He popped the vent open and hopped out. "Mom! I need you to be young and hot again" He said in front of everyone. Carol blushed and chuckled nervously. "Let's go ahead and take five, girls" Carol said.

Her students walked out of the dojo leaving me, her and K.O alone. "Alright, what's going on, kids" Carol asked. K.O sighed. "Long story short. I need you to put on your old outfit and take a picture of you for my boss" K.O explained. I took a deep breath hearing how completely wrong that sounded. "Ok, I'll explain the full story so this whole thing doesn't feel completely perverted. Me, him, and my other friends went into Gar's office without his permission and broke an old photo of you, and we need to fix it or he'll be really disappointed" I said explaining the story. "He still has photos from back then" Carol asked getting a yes nod from me. "Were you guys friends or something?" K.O asked. Carol frowned and started to remember the past. "We used to know each other" She said.

-Cut to memory

It was a stormy rainy night and there is on a dark street was regular old donut shop. Suddenly there was an explosion that came from inside, then two people ran over to the shop. One of them dropped a sub sandwich on the ground with a tomato falling out the side

-Cut back to the present

Carol stood there quietly staring into space remembering that night. She was brought back to reality when I snapped my fingers in her face. "Carol, where did you go?" I asked. "Oh sorry, anyway it's grown up stuff, K.O" Carol said. K.O groans in confusion. "That just gives me further questions! But I need to fix this now. Can you help us?" K.O asked. "Sure thing, pumpkin" Carol said agreeing. "Ok, but we gotta hurry. I don't know how long Enid and Rad can keep Mr. Gar distracted" K.O said. "Not as long as me" I said smirking. I dashed out of the dojo and went back to the bodega.

Enid and Rad were just finishing up their dance for Gar. "Tada!" They both said panting. Gar groaned and looked at them both sternly making them sweat nervously. "I give it a 7.5" He said. "A 7.5?" Rad asked. "Take it, guys. I think he's being nice" I said crossing my arms. Gar reached for his office door handle but Enid stopped and leaned against the door. "Wait hey, I saw someone in the magazine aisle, for like twenty minutes!" She said. Gar turned around angrily. "A CHEAPSKATE!!!" He yelled stomping toward the magazine aisle. "You're not gonna like who it is either" I called seeing him walk away. I then walk over to my friends. "Guys, Carol and K.O are working on the photo. We're gonna need to keep him away from the office just a little longer ok" I said. "But I don't know what else to stall him with" Rad said.

We all heard Gar fire the cheapskate out of the cheapskate canon. "Well you better think of something" I said walking away. Gar walked out of the magazine aisle with his hands on his hips. "I will not have no tightwads in no store of mine. No sir. Where was I? Oh yes, back to my perfect office" He said happily walking over to it. Then he heard Rad calling his name. "Mr. Gar!! I....forgot...how to...mop? Please, oh, please, teach me how" Rad said cleaning with the wrong side of the mop. Gar groaned at Rad annoyed.

Exactly a minute later, Gar mopped every inch of the bodega making it incredibly shiny. "And that, my boy, is how you mop like a real hero. A shiny floor makes for a shiny heart. All the better to blind evildoers with" Gar said handing Rad the mop. "Wow, thanks Mr. Gar" Rad said gratefully. "No time for chitchat. I've got to get back to my office. Which is surely as immaculate as these floors" Gar said. He grabbed him by the face throwing him aside and then seeing me in front of his door. "Hey Gar, it's just come to my attention that I have not asked how you're doing today" I said making finger guns at him. "I'm doing fine, and I'll feel a lot better once I get in my office" Gar said, trying to get by. "Why do you want to go to the office so much, do you love it or something?" I asked, squinting my eyes at him. "Yes. Yes I do" Mr Gar said reaching for the door handle until I stopped him.

"You love it so much. Do you wanna marry it?" I asked. "Rena, I don't know what you're doing, but move out of the way" Gar said. I then spotted K.O come into the store and make his way to the back. "You should stop paying your office so much attention. Pay attention to something else, pay attention to me" I said leaning on the wall. "I don't want to pay attention to you. No offense but your being very annoying and-" Gar was cut off when he heard something fall near his office door.

He turned around angrily and walked around, and inhaled deeply. "Smells like guilt and corn chips" He said. "There are corn chips on the aisle, the guilt could be the guilty pleasure of wanting chips" I said trying to distract him. I saw K.O crawling on top of the shelves. He fell off before Gar could spot him. "Gar, I don't know what it is your looking for, but let's get back to why you love your office so much" I said pulling him away.

K.O walked up to the office door while I talked to Gar. "I made it! The day is saved and gar is none the wiser! YEAH!!!" K.O shouted. Gar turned his neck all the way around and spotted K.O. K.O froze for a second then ran into Gar's office. "K.O!!!!!" He yelled angrily. He began stomping angrily towards his office until Rad and Enid stepped in front of him. Gar just passed by them like a door and dived into his office. I followed behind and we both saw K.O, Rad, and Enid already there. I looked over and saw the picture that K.O was supposed to get fixed, and instead seeing an old photo of Carol, I saw a picture of K.O in Carol's old suit.

"We're doomed" I said lightly slapping herself in the face. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!!" Gar shouted. Enid and Rad frantically try to come up with excuses until K.O stopped them. "We're sorry, Mr. Gar. We went into your office even though you told us not to. Please don't be disappointed in us" K.O said apologizing. "K.O, I wouldn't be disappointed if you had listened in the first place. BUT I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED!!" Gar said angrily. The disappointed from him punched them in the gut. "Yeah that's fair" I said stepping back. HOW COULD YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" Gar said yelling at the top of his lungs.

Then out of nowhere Carol appeared behind Gar with a photo in her hand. "Hey K.O, I found another copy of that photo and I'd thought I'd bring it over" Carol said before looking over at Gar. "Uh Carol, uh I uh th I a do oh" Gar said only stutters coming out of his mouth. "Uh right, well here ya go. Bye I'll see at home later, K.O" Carol said walking out the office. "Bye Carol" I said waving. Gar was silent for a moment. "We are never ever speaking of this again, agreed?" Gar asked. K.O, Rad, and Enid all shook their heads in agreement. "I already forgotten everything" I said agreeing. "Good. Now get back to work" Gar said.

We all climbed out of the office one at a time relived that we got off easy. "So. We can all agree that you all should have listened to me in the first place right?" I said smirking.

OK KO: Let's Meet RenaWhere stories live. Discover now