Chapter : 33 {Quit Heart Pirates)

Start from the beginning

I also bowed "Thank you to the both of you"


*At morning*

"Law may I come in?" I asked

"The door is open" He replied

"How are you feeling now law? " I asked

"....I feel better than before, it's a shame that a day came that you have to worry about me" Said law

"... Law I have something to ask you.... Or rather... Tell you"
I said

"Maybe I already know what you are about to say... But go on" He replied, he looked sad... Tired too

"Law let me go join the revolutionary army.. "

"If you want to go yourself... I can't force you to stay.... Howevee if you are taking this decision because you think you are a bother for us you are wrong"

"N- no it's not for that...... It really is getting dangerous out here....... Both of us are gonna be so much more free if we are seperated...h- hence, " Before i could finish my sentence law came and hugged me, I hugged back, I hugged him like this was the last time I was breathing....

"Even if we are safe if we are seperated, I will always choose to be in dangerous and together with you"

He assured me... He knew... He knew I am leaving.... Leaving to protect them from me, being with me will just bring them nothing but trouble right now.....

"I- I love you Extraña" Said law

I pulled away from his hug and looked at him in the eyes, he had a light blush on his face while his ears were dark red

After what seemed like 5 secs of us just staring at each other
He again spoke

"We- we all love you, me, bepo, penguin, everyone" He added

Ohhh, i got confused for a moment

"I love you guys so much more" I stated

"Thank you very much for taking care of me all thia days" I said while bowing to him
I was crying, I looked up to find him crying too, trying to hide it with his hat , his whole body was shaking terribly

"Thank you very much for taking care of me all thia days" I said while bowing to himI was crying, I looked up to find him crying too, trying to hide it with his hat , his whole body was shaking terribly

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My eyes widened, I pulled him to embrace him again

"Don't forget us" He whispered crying

"I can't even if I wanted to" I assured him

*At the hall in front of everyone*

"From today on, Extraña- No Y/n, you are no longer part of the heart pirates"

"Thank you for taking care of me captain" I bowed down again, crying

While the others agreed and shook their heads

"Of course everyone" I replied with a warm smile

"Please take care of her" Lae asked Sabo

"Of course" Sabo replied with a sad but warm smile

Before leaving I had a last talk with law about what I saw with my powers

"Whitebeard? He really is the strongest man in the world right now" Law said

"I am confused, I keep seeing war war war news with his name, this time monkey D Luffy was also included"

"Maybe he is gonna have a war soon? It doesn't bother us, but the world is gonna turned upside down if it happens"
He added

"That's what I also heard.... "

"I don't know if they are connected but fire fist Ace is also in whitebeard's crew just so you remember, if a war happens he is gonna get involved too"

"I know... It has nothing to do with me" I said in a indifferent tone

"Very well, just be safe Extraña, or

"Yes law, same to you, we are gonna meet again in the New World soon!" I kissed his cheeks, then bepo's too


Sabo me and Koala left 6 days after that incident, they said we are going on an island in grandline because for now they are here for a problem in alabasta, so they have to be on guard in the grandline

It didn't bother me, I knew they are strong people

After i told the things i saw with my power,he just said he doesn't think the revolutionary army is gonna join in the war so quickly

"It isn't the right time yet" He said with a smile

Right time? I wonder what he meant by that

Right now we were on an small ship going towards another island, being on saboady after that fight is dangerous


Ace's POV :

"Thank you for taking care of my brother!" I bowed to luffy's crew

"Now that we have settled in I have an important discussion with you" Said luffy in an serious tone

"Same here" I said while cracking my fingers

"I never saw luffy so serious before" Mumbled his crew



We both talked at the same time

"... You knew? " Asked luffy

"Well not till she found another dumb crew to join" I replied

"Y/n? Extraña?? Luffy knows the wanted Noble's daughter with a 80billion bounty??" His whole crew screamed

"Yeah, she is Ace's gf" He replied to them calmly while I blushed a bit

"WHATT???!" They shouted even more, maan they sure do match luffy's energy

"Well first let me beat you up for losing against the marine and let them take y/n away! " I shouted while he ran screaming sorry

Y/n...I am coming back soon!!

*Chapter Ends!!! Byeeee :3"

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