☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5 ☽

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Gerards POV ⋆˚✿˖°

"Hey Gee..."

Damnit. Well hello miss-I'm-gonna-kiss-you-and-you're-gonna-love-it-even-though-I-have-boyfriend. That's a little long though so, "Oh, hey Y/N.."

She's still wearing Frank's hoodie, but something's in the pocket. She raised her hand to wave slightly, and at the same time a black box falls out of the pocket. When it hit the floor it opened and 3 pill bottles fell out. She was doing drugs..? She hasn't touched a bottle for 2 years unless it's prescription. I don't even know if this is my fault or her own at this point.

She muttered something as she bent over to pick it up, putting the bottles in the box and then back in her pocket.

"Look Gerard, um, I'm sorry. I should definitely not have done that and I was super drunk and obviously didn't make a hood decision. I'm gonna go apologise to Frank, but please, I'm so sorry." She said it all pretty fast, playing with her bracelets as she said it too.

"It's okay, I guess. I'm sorry for kissing you back..?" I don't know if I should've added that, but I did anyway.

"It's okay.." She replied, sitting next to me on my bed, leaning her head onto my shoulder.

Is it bad I kinda want to kiss her again? Is it bad that maybe I've always had a crush on her? Even though she's had a boyfriend.

"I'm tired..." She says, her head still on my shoulder. "But I don't want to go to sleep yet. Can I just, stay and hang out with you, for now?"

I nod, "Just, give me a second to tell Ray something." She nods as I leave my room, leaving the door cracked open.

"Did she apologise that fast?" Ray asked his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah she did, um, we're just going to hang out up here, so uh, you can leave now, and hang out with everyone else."

"Oh, alright, well, give these to her, kay?" He says, handing me a bag with some already rolled joints before walking downstairs to everyone else.

Well, I guess me and her are going to get high, and probably a bit more drunk.

When I walked back in, Y/N was standing in the middle of my room.

"I just texted Frank.. I officially broke up with him. And apologised." She said. "I sent him a text while you were out there. And told my brother I'm sleeping over."

"Oh, uh, okay." I replied, shutting my door and throwing the plastic baggie onto my bed. I kept a cooler of beer in my room, so I bent over and grabbed 2. One for me, one for her.

As soon as I stood up she stepped closer to me.

"Gerard, is it bad that I want to kiss you again?"

Oh god, not at all.

"Is it bad that I want to kiss you again?"

"Not at all, Gee."

She kept slowly stepping closer, until our bodies were only a few inches apart.

"Can I kiss you, Gerard?"

I nod gently, she leant her face closer to me, my arms reaching to her waist as she put her arms around my neck.

We inch our heads closer together until finally our lips connected. She pressed into the kiss harder, her hands cemented onto my neck, pushing me closer.

Y/N'S POV ⋆˚✿˖°

I wake up around 9:45 A.M, definitely not in my room though. And only in my underwear, and not my shirt, but someone elses. I sit in the bed, looking around, seeing my shirt and skirt on the floor. I look at the walls to find a bunch of band posters, vampire drawings, and papers filled with lyrics.

Did I fuck Gerard last night? Shit..

I stand up and leave the room, not really caring enough to put my skirt back on. I quietly walk downstairs and see Mikey and Ray watching TV, Frank passed out on the couch, and Gerard looking through the fridge. There's also someone else here, he's blonde, he's sitting next to Mikey, playing on a DS.

I walk into the kitchen and start to make some coffee.

I could hear whispering between Mikey and Ray as I wait for the coffee to brew.

"See Ray! I knew they did something last night..!"

"Oh shut up, they weren't that drunk..! I don't think so at least.."

Shit, did I fuck Gerard last night?!

"Guys shut up, we didn't do anything last night, it was late so she just slept over." Gerard finally says, trying to stop Mikey and Ray.

"Mhm, sure, because you guys slept in bed together, you woke up shirtless, and Y/N is in her underwear and YOUR shirt. Explain that Gerard." Mikey says, giving his brother a little sass.

I look at the both of them as I take a sip of my close-to-burning coffee.

"Look, I'm confused. I can't remember what happened, so Gerard, did we fuck or not? I'd love an answer."

"Agreed," Ray started. "We all would like an answer, even Bobby boy here would."

Well, finally a name for the new guy. He seems off though, I don't like him.

"I do not care if you guys fucked or not." Bob says, not even looking up from his DS.

Gerard looks at me, his lips tightening into a line. Holy shit, I think we did!

"Look, Y/N, we did, but we were both drinking, and we used y'know...protection..so we're okay, we're safe..!" He said, not even looking at me, but at the ground.

"I can't say I'm upset. But it wasn't our best decision. Obviously." I finish up my coffee, putting the cup in the sink.

"I'm going to get dressed, and then go home, but I'll see you guys later anyways." Mikey, Ray, and Gerard all nod an 'okay' as I walk back upstairs into Gerard's room.

I leave on Gerard's shirt and just put my skirt back on. I put Frank's hoodie on the bed, grab a post-it note from the desk, and leave a note saying:

Hey :) Sorry I took your shirt Gee, you will not be getting it back. Anyways, please give Frank this hoodie back. Thanks!
            - Y/N

Words - 1059

A/N: Heyy :) so I think I'm going to write a few chapters and then release them all at once since I take a while to write chapters!

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