Part 1

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Ugh!! I ran out of the lunch room!! Teagan and Gracie right behind me. "Brin, what happened"? Asked Gracie. I looked in the mirror at my mascara running down my cheeks. I looked like a hot mess. "Te, can you go get my makeup case?" I asked
"Yes your combo is 34-46-9 right?" "Yes"
"So tell me what happened!" Pestered Gracie
"Well I was just walking toward Kali, and I said excuse me and than Matt was like 'you think you can just barge right in and expect me to move for the princess? Well your wrong! So get out of this world and get a new life!'"
" Oh Brin, I'm so sorry!" Ashley walked in as Gracie was hugging me.
" I heard about it, I'm so sorry, just maybe a bad time to say this but stand up for yourself!" Ashley said
Just than Teagan returned, caring my makeup. I quickly grabbed my mascara and wipes and wiped the old stuff off and put new on. "Here turn" Ordered Ashley. She put a little dab of eye shadow and some lip shimmer on. "Perfect" We all laughed. " Thanks guys for everything" I said before walking out.
I went to my locker and got my stuff. There was a note in my locker. It read ' feel better, he's a real jerk! ' I smiled, she's right Matt is a real jerk.
I walked down the hall, halfway to my 6th hour class. The bell rung. People ran threw the halls screaming and yelling. I saw Ryan and walked over " Hey"
" Hey sorry about the lunch thing, if you want I'll beat him up."
" No!! You will get suspended!" I said laughing
"Well anything for my girl."
I smiled "Yep, ok I have to go"
He said bye and hugged me. At least something good has happened today.
The last bell rings I head to get my folder before I can go home. Ryan is at my locker.
"Hey, um, want to meet at the movies on Friday?" He asks
"Uh, yep!!" He says bye and walks away. People stare at me and whisper. A group of girls makes faces and points. Ugh!! I hate being popular sometimes! People stare at you and talk about you all the time! Like we will just have come from Spanish and start singing the alphabet in Spanish for fun. People will stare and be like "they think they are so cool I hate them!" Like no joke! All we are doing is having fun! We are just a close group of friends, I just don't get why it bothers people so much!! People are also always mean to us! They think we are brats and are rich! But that's not true! They act like we are perfect, but we're not, EVERYONE has flaws and imperfections. That's just how we are. They think we have no problems, when we do! It's just so complicated! Ugh!!
Once I'm on the bus I check my Instagram. 4 new follows. The bus pulls up at my stop and I get off. My house is a house away. It's blue with a big white porch and a hall with windows instead of walls. It looks like a house out of a movie. I walk inside. I hear fighting. "That's it Mark! Done! We are done! Pack your stuff and get out! Go find another woman that is more like you and likes a..." Mom yells but stops when she sees me. I am on the edge of tears. She runs up to me and hugs me. "Brin, I'm sorry, but I think it's for the best." She says calmly. I run upstairs and slam my door. Why does everything bad happen to me!! I cry myself to sleep that night.
I wake up with hair stuck to my face from my tears. I get up and brush my teeth. I slip into black leggings with a cute flower top. I curl my long hair. I then put a pink flowered bow in my hair. Cute!! I walk downstairs for breakfast. Mom has stuff made, half the furniture is gone. I stare. "We will replace it." Mom says walking up from behind me. "There's a bowl of cereal on the table with a breakfast bar and mango."
"Thanks." I sit down to eat.

Chapter 2
The next day at school I walk up to Gracie. "Hey, hey, hey!"
"Hi Brin." Just than Meagan walks up. "Meg!! Have you seen Anna's outfit?" I asked
"Yes, and so..." she asked puzzled.
"Yeah it looks bad! I'll let her borrow some of my clothes at gym when we change." I said
"Ok than." Then she walked away
Anna walked up to me. "I hate you!"
"I know you hate my clothes, and said they are ugly!" She yelled
"What?" I was furious! "And where did you see this?"
"Someone told me."
"Ok, what else did that person tell you I said?"
"Well that you hate me, and my clothes look like trash, and let's see that my face is as pretty as a hogs!"
"What? Who told you that? I said one thing!" I stomped off! Who told her that? Wait Meagan! How could she? I thought I was her friend! And I said one thing! One thing!! Not all that! I ran into the bathroom and wiped tears away from my eyes. Why?
I was smart to wear water prof mascara this time so all I do is fix my eye shadow. Much better! It's almost lunch so I grab my Vera Bradley lunch box. I scan the lunch room for Gracie, Teagan and Ashley. Ryan and Brandon are there too. Gracie sees me and motions for me to come over there, I smile and walk over. People stare and whisper rude comments. I really don't know why they think I am the worst person in the world because I am popular. I sit next to Ryan "Babe alert!" He yells. The table next to us snickers and a girl yells shut up, and says to her group that we think we rule the world. I just shake it off. "So...Brin I um heard about, and I'm really sorry." Ashley announces.
"Yeah well it best" I snap. Why did she even bring that up?!
After lunch I am called down to the office. Ryan and Brandon tease me that I am in trouble.
The lady at the desk says I have a visitor. I am like what? Then my older brother Joey jumps out form the doorway. I burst in to tears and run to hug him. Joey was in the military for five years. This is maybe the second time I've seen him sense then. I pull away. "Why did you come home?" I ask, not that I want him to go back or anything. The office lady looks guilty and pulls me aside. "Sweets, your brother here he was injured and will need to be looked after." I stare, he looks perfectly fine if I do not say so myself.
"Um, he's fine" I argue
"It's Brin" I snap
"Brin, your brother was shot and has a replacement or fake leg, he is going through mental times right now. He was at the mental facility before he stopped by. He needs help." Tears fall down my face. This is all a giant nightmare, this is all a giant nightmare I repeat to myself hoping I'm right. I can't look at him. I go out the other door and head to my locker. Ashley is waiting. "So, what was that about?"
"None of your business!"
"Wow I'm sorry you just don't need to get so mean!"
"Sorry it's just my brother he's hurt and..." I start to fall apart.
"Brin it's okay, he's okay. I... well you... never mind just please don't cry, I don't like it." I smile a sad smile.

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