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i'd just like to clear up a few things before the book starts, as i think it will make it much more of an easy read.

this fanfic takes place during the 75th annual hunger games, the year after katniss and peeta were reaped. however, it does not follow canon plot of catching fire. the games continue as normal, with original characters.

this book contains material of a highly sensitive nature including but not limited to:
hallucinations, drugging, involuntary medical procedures, graphic blood & gore depiction, graphic physical injuries, needles, scar discussion, serious illness/death of a loved one, grief & loss, and suicide.
this may be triggering for some individuals, you are advised to read with caution.

i would also like to say please do not be a ghost reader!!! as a girly with adhd, i struggle with motivation and focus, and feedback and interactions will help so much.

thank you for taking time to look at my story, and i hope you enjoy it.

let the games begin!

- noelle

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