You Took Everything From Me

Start from the beginning

As soon as she was free, Olivia turned, kicking him in the stomach, leaning over him and gripping the front of his shirt. "I'm not asking again. Where is he?" She spoke through clenched teeth.

All the man did was laugh, shaking his head, "That's a little secret of mine, I think I'll keep it to myself. You just better hope I didn't leave him bleeding or you'd be wasting his precious time." Benjamin clicked his tongue before Olivia slammed a punch into his face, followed by five more, the anger building up and letting itself out on the man in her hands.

Olivia shoved him back down, before moving for the gun she finally spotted seconds later. With blurry eyes she aimed it at him, gaze mixed with tears and pain. "You took everything from me." Her voice wavered regardless of how she willed it not to.

Benjamin groaned, rolling onto his back and lifting to his elbows. "Not yet." He spit out some blood, looking up at her. "Haven't you wondered where pretty boy is? I suspect you didn't run into him on your way in here." A cocky smirk on his face, Benjamin shakily stood, knowing she wouldn't shoot before she knew Will was okay.

He stepped forward slightly, "You kill me and you'll neeever know. Crazy how fate works isn't it?" His eyes were focused on how she shifted her grasp, not noticing the other officer coming in from the side of the room.

"Olivia. Don't. We got him. We got Will, he's okay." Voight's voice momentarily distracted the girl, her eyes briefly glancing in his direction. His own gun was still tucked away, hands up in defense as he crept in. Some relief came to the girl, at least she knew Will would be okay regardless of the outcome. "It's not worth it. He's not worth it."

His words were in vain. Olivia had come to terms long ago that he wasn't making it out of this factory alive. She couldn't let him. At first she questioned it. Debating it over as she searched for him and Will.

But as soon as she hit the floor, it was like his fate had been sealed and she knew that the only way he was getting out of there was in a body bag. And she didn't care who it was that did it. As long as he wasn't breathing by the end of it.

"He killed her." Tears were streaming down Olivia's face at that point, the grief nearly overwhelming as she slid her thumb over the safety to click it off.

"I know."

"He killed her." Olivia repeated, gun shaking slightly, sniffling as she glared at the man ahead of her. All she could think of was the girl she could have had. The life she could have had. Rebekah and her getting married. Having kids.

They had planned so much. Olivia wanted to propose. Had a ring picked out and everything. Nearly every detail of their future was planned out. A fall wedding, both of them wearing wedding dresses. Jay was going to be her best man, Erin was going to be Rebekah's maid of honor.

A few years down the road Rebekah was going to get off the field, start the process of insemination, they were going to start a family. The two of them had it all figured out. Two detectives in love and it was all taken away in one night.

It took one night and two gunshots for it to be ripped out of their hands. In those last moments, it felt like someone had shut off the lights to Olivia's future. Left her in the dark which is exactly how she felt without her. She didn't see one. Rebekah was her future but she was gone.

All the anger, rage, sadness, grief, everything, all boiled up as she remembered the last morning she'd had with her girl. The way they'd held each other, kissed one another. And for a moment it felt like she was there but Voight's voice brought her back.

"Don't let him win."

But his words were falling on deaf ears. Before the sergeant could even take a step forward Olivia fired two shots on the man in front of her. Stomach and chest. In that order. If he was going to die, it was going to be exactly the way he had forced the other officer to.

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