Act 8 | Year 2028: United Nation

Start from the beginning

If you're asking where's Rose, she's currently in school. Wanna know a fun fact? She's friends with Taeyang's son. Yes, that Taeyang from Big Bang. Weird to see an artist you respect has their son friends with your daughter.


We were immediately shouted in the ear as we enter the bakery. Her shout took everyone's attention on to us as we waved and bowed at the soon to be chaotic crowd. Everyone's eyes shooketh from their socket as some of them quickly stood up, not registering what was going on.

Me: Anneyeong everyone. I'm Killian from Babylon Garden.

Minjeong: And I'm Winter from Aespa.

Phones were out, recording and taking picture of us. It quickly turned into a fan meeting. The food on the table? Gone. The drinks? Forgotten. They got it down bad.

Mom: What's all the ruckus I'm hearing- Oh it's just you two.

Me: Hey mom. Busy day?

Mom: Of course I am! What do you think I'm doing nowadays? And nice to see you again Minjeong.

Minjeong: Hello auntie. It's so good to see you.

Mom: Oh you sweetie pie. Just call me mom. I can't wait for you to be my daughter in law.

I don't know if she noticed it or not, but we're currently being recorded and I'm sure it'll be posted the second we're out of sight. And you calling Minjeong your daughter in law will fire the media with new tea to gossip.

Oh well, the media already knows about it.

Mom: So what can I do for you lovely birds. Please take a seat.

We were currently being ushered to a table with my mom. Mom currently works as the store manager with multiple chefs and bakers working under her. The shop was once owned as family business had now grown into a full fledge cafe.

It was also the cafe that Diane wants to inherit and expand. She wants to take over the only thing that our late dad had. She was too young when dad died. She was only six years old at that time. Her memory of dad was hazy and the bakery was what she had left.

Me: Apparently, I'm flying back to America to give a speech at the UN embassy. I just got the news just now and I'm sure it'll be covered tomorrow morning.

Mom listened tentatively as I explained the timeline. She was nodding in understanding before smiling and giving a thumbs up. 

Mom: I always imagine you to do incredible things. But this, you blow my own expectation. You kept climbing higher and higher. I'm so proud of you my son.

I smiled softly at her statement. It was one of those genuine moments that you had with your parents and I'm lucky that my parents are one of those.

Mom: And Minjeong. Honey, please take care of him for me. I know I'm not going to live long. At least I know that he would be in good hands.

Minjeong: I will. Someone has to put this idiot in line.

Me: Says the shy one. I'm the one that had to help you with basically everything.

The three of us shared a laugh before I had a good idea since we're here.

Me: Min, you wanna sing a song with me here? 

Usually, there will be times that I would perform for free inside the bakery. One, it would help my mom's sale. Two, it would be free publicity. And three, mom would be there.

'Midas Touch' | Aespa Winter x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now