27. UNO Reverse

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"What kind of wedding invitation card do you want Maitri?" Kaira asked her and looked at Aryaman for their inputs.

"I have an idea, if you all like then we can go for that if not then we can pick from the ones given" She said looking at Aryaman and everyone.

"What is the idea?" Rishav asked taking the cup of his coffee from the table.

"I want a traditional royal themed invitation card. I had the outline of it since childhood. You know like in olden times we used to have invites written on a cloth and then rolled up. I want something like that. A deep, blood red cloth, with words written in golden. The borders would be of thin leaf veils drawn in golden. In the center top there'll be an outline of Ganeshji. Each letter for every function. All these letters would be placed in a red velvet box. We could add small bags of dry fruits and chocolates too" She said smiling dreamily. The elders could see her imagination and knew exactly how to make the invitation cards.

"Seems like our bhabhi already knew from the beginning that she'd marry a king" Aviraj said elbowing her. She pushed him away shyly. Aryaman and the rest laughed at their bonding.

"The invites would be made the way you want" Rishav said in a no-nonsense tone.

"Thank you" She said to him.

"Wedding invites are done, next we have is food" Aarchi said ticking off one item from the menu of work she had written down.

"Gol Gappa stalls, pav bhaji stalls, kulfi stalls, there should be mawa kachori too, hayee" Aarchi said quickly before anyone else could say.

"Mujhe dal batti churma aur ker sangari bhi chahiye" Aviraj and Divya added.

"We will see about it" Rishav and Kaira said asking them to shut up in a very polite way.

"The menus will be decided by us elders. Next what is on the list" Kaira said.

"Wedding theme"

"Since the card is traditional, let the theme also be traditional" Jiya said. Aryaman and Maitri were least interested in the talks and were busy whispering random things in each other's ears.

"Okay, then the rest of the things are to be done by you all. Who to invite and everything" Aarchi passed the list to Kaira and went and sat beside Rishav who held her close. 

"When are we going for buying wedding dresses?" Divya asked excited.

"When these elders let us go. Them and their restrictions" Aviraj said taking the snacks from the table and eating.

"Kids go away. We want to talk" Kaira asked them to shoo away as they were making alot of noise. Aviraj and Aarchi looked at Kaira with a hurt look and started wobbling their lower lip showing that they were very hurt with her behaviour.

"You want to get beaten?" She looked at them challengingly.

"How will you beat me? You are smaller than me" Aviraj started flaunting his height. Kaira smiled fakely and removed her shoe and aimed at him.

"But my aim is pretty good, now?" She showed him her shoe and Aviraj pulled Aarchi with him, taking slow small steps backwards.

"Don't mind them. They understand only one language, the shoe language" Kaira said looking at Akshit and Jiya who laughed heartedly knowing that their 2 daughters were exact same.

All the youngsters went out in the lawn and sat down in the garden. Aarchi and Divya got busy in showing each other the wedding lehengas they planned to get custom-made for the wedding. Meanwhile, Aryaman and Maitri surrounded Aviraj.

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