"Okay, so the big parts I want to fix are here", he circled the chest plate, "here", then the face plates, "while also using this as a chance to hopefully deal with any faulty wiring Baby has. That shock you gave her could have damaged something."

"But I feel fine!" She called out.

"That you know of right now", Zomboss chided. "I've built zombie yetis, bulls, dodos and even arcade machines that create 8-bit zombies, and all of them have eventually become faulty even though they insist they're fine."

Baby huffed and grumbled dejectedly as Zomboss brought the rest of our attention back to the screen. "Anyway... Aside from correcting the plates, I want input on what you four think is best."

I shared a look with Laney and Gretchen as Gladius hummed.

"Well, keeping the traffic lights is a good idea", I said. "They work."

"Maybe make her... shoulder things... actual fabric", Laney added. "Mare them poofy."

"Keep the colours", Gretchen interjected. "But maybe make each cheek a different colour, like her lips."

"The hair will need some work", Gladius mumbled as he got closer to the screen. "I could help with that, so it's still the same, just... newer."

"What do you think Baby?" Zomboss asked.

We all looked back at the robot, and if she could cry, she definitely would. Her glowing green eyes were flickering, her hand covering her mouth. "You guys... would do all of that?"

"Of course!" Laney said like it was the most obvious thing ever. "You're our friend, and if we want to help you get a new look, we're helping."

Scrap Baby, the second time today, broke down into static filled sobs, only this time I could hear the joy within them. Acting quick, I walked over and hugged her, the animatronic returning it instantly.

"Alright! You four are my assistants until this project is done!" The zombie faced the screen. "Let's get to work!"

I broke out of Baby's hug, and nodded, running off with Gretchen and Laney elsewhere in the room, opening some trunks to find a plethora of paint cans. We pulled out the most vibrant blues, reds, oranges and whites we could find, and then ran back just as Zomboss started up the printing of the new chest plate.

The printer worked at a lightning fast pace, while Zomboss walked back over to Baby. "Okay, Baby, because of how all of this works, I'm going to temporarily turn you off, okay?"

"But why?" she asked fearfully.

"Because if you're awake, I might end up damaging something. You and Jenny are similar, so I don't want to break something critical."

She nodded hesitantly. "Okay. But before you do, I have one request."


She was quiet for a moment. "Can you make my eyes blue? It feels like a calmer colour."

Zomboss nodded. "Will do. Now, lie down, and we'll get to work."

She did as she was told, and with a single buzz from his handheld device, she was powered off.

"Laney, keep an eye on the printer", Zomboss said as he began to give orders. "When the plate is finished, take it off so the next one can start. Gretchen, I need you to get me the welding kit." Both girls nodded and ran off to do their jobs. "Caleb, you can help me out. Come here."

I walked up next to him and listened intently. "We're gonna need to take these plates off. I can do this myself, but I want your help so it can go by quicker."

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