Start from the beginning

"Glenn said they'd passed through this place - he marked out a spot for us to check out." Rick announced as he made a few turns, " - thought you'd like it."

Delaney hummed in response, "And why did he think I'd like it?"

Rick only smiled a bit as he pulled up park outside of a pretty dull looking building. In old rusting signage above the large garage door was; Bev's Auto shop. Her brows lifted high on her forehead, her mouth opening as she observed all she could from just the front of the front of the building. "Alrigh' touché..." Del quietly muttered, grabbing for the door handle before Rick could form a response.

The heat clung to her back as she stood staring at the in tact front door of the garage, hands falling to her hips. It was silly but she'd been craving this little slice of normalcy recently. Even though Deanna had given her a place to set up a garage, to fix any cars worth fixing for the community, Delaney was sorely lacking things. She hadn't been given the chance to coordinate a run for supplies and tools, on account that she and Aiden were like two rabid animals when near each other.

God knew how Rick managed to swing this with Deanna.

Eager to get going, Delaney swung her backpack up onto her shoulder and approached the building. With a cautious sweep up and down the street to check for Walkers, she concluded it was safe enough to spend a while inside. There was only a couple of the dead she could see, and with both she and Rick, they could make short and easy work of it should they need to.

"Careful, he said he dint have time to clear it." Rick called out from somewhere behind the car, but Del wasn't paying his position too much attention. She was, instead, trying to find a way inside.

Luckily for her, the door was free as a bird and unlocked, and so with several harsh bangs of her knife against the metal door, she waited for any unwelcome residents. After a few lingering moments, of which during Rick joined her with a sweaty huff. "It's hot as shit out here, damn.." Delaney turned to look back at him, grinning to ear to ear, only to pause as he lifted his shirt up to wipe his face with it. Her gaze was drawn downward to the skin and muscle, resisting the urge to just touch.

Swallowing, irritated with herself, Delaney turned back to the task at hand. She entered the building, stepping over shattered glass and a mess of what was likely the panic of the first outbreak. She kicked through some files spread across the ground, drawing her finger through thick dust, "Hello!" She hollered loudly, "Any fucker in here?"

Rick tutted behind her, but he otherwise said nothing else as he began peering through the cabinets, interested.

Again, no response, which was good enough for Del.

She began to pilfer anything of worth. Shoving it into her backpack or Ricks, depending on who was easier to get to. He didn't appear to mind her manhandling him to get to his back, pliantly allowing her to turn him about occasionally to unzip his bag. Not that she'd admit it, but this had certainly brought her mood up. She loved this shit. Being surrounded by the grease and oil and the smell of it all. It was comforting.


Delaney looked over her shoulder at Rick who was watching her with palpable amusement visible on his features. She squinted at him, choosing to say nothing as she pocketed another wrench. He laughed quietly, shaking his head in mirth, returning to what he'd been doing before she'd distracted him.

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