23. You are no brother of mine

Start from the beginning

"Yes, this is who I am and it's all because of you"

"No not me yourself, you liked it don't you? , the killing your worst then me" he stated and chuckle "you know soon or later Yasmin will find out who you really are and she will leave you"

When he mentioned her name it made my fucking blood boiled.

"Don't you dear call my wife name is your filthy mouth because I will reach down to your fucking throat and rip your tongue out" I growled

He laughed "look at you all taken up with the leftover trash". Those word got to me, he really had no respect for her, what kinda man is him, my passion raced, i cant control my anger anymore, he have gone too far.

I shooted his left shoulder, "fuck!!" He yell in pain.

"Only trash is you, Yasmin is a diamond, the most perfect woman I ever seen, Too bad she's all mine now" I stated knowing he will get pissed.

"She's a whore a gold digger , and you are calling that diamond, Sebastian you are such a fool"

"The only fool here is you maledetto scarafaggio succhiasangue" (damn bloodsucking cockroach), I yell

"faccia di merda !!" He yell in Italian

(Shit face).

"You disgust me" I muttered kicking him in his belly, he lay on the floor crying out in pain. His bullet wound was bleeding out

"Boss I found the girl" Alex shouted running towards us.

I quickly turn my attention to Alex

"Where is she?" I asked

"She's at Radisson Blu hotel" he said

"If she's there then who's that sitting in that chair"i mumble I wonder because at first I thought was her but then Alex moved over to take a look he turned the chair around to reveal a very young girl, she looks like she was in her teens about 16 I guess, she was shot to the head, she was also in a Nightgown, This makes me sick just looking at it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you !!" I yell as I shooted his leg"

He took the bullet like nothing and started to laugh "she deserves it, she's a whore, just like yas....." as he was about to call Yasmin name i pointed the gun straight to his head ready to shoot him, but then Alex grabbed my shoulder, I quickly realized what I was about to do and stopped myself.

"You need to punish before you die you fucking jackass" I growled

But he just lay there in a pile of blood laughing , he was bleeding everywhere but he didn't care and it irritated me.

"Boss should I go collect Lisa and leave you here or do you want to go collect her" Alex asked

"Yes go get her" I said to Alex, he nodded and quickly lefted. My gaze went back to Leonardo,

"Lisa can't be save, you need to pass through many guards he will never make it" Leonardo stated in pain

"Shut the fuck up!!" I growled at him

"Or what brother ?" He asked

"I will fucking kill you" I yell at him in anger, this wasn't the brother I know or grow up with now I can't even look at him.

"We are supposed to be a family but you Sebastian you take that away from us" he said in pain

"Family! Family! Leonardo this family was shit before you were even born, Antonio was a fucking piece of shit, he cause this, he make us who we are today killers, he ruin our life's "

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