3. Augustine

30 7 2

'Cause it was never mine...

Auggie, let's go back to the beach!" Aurora shouted, running circles around me in the kitchen. I grinned, placing my elbows on the polished countertop. She was crazy, my sister, always excited to do the next thing. She stopped running circles and instead threw her arms around my leg, clinging harder than I'd expect from a four-year-old.

"Woah, princess, take a second," I laughed. "Yes, we can go to the beach. Only if you promise to stick next to me the whole time." I mock ordered her and she giggled. "Go grab a sweater and we'll head out," I said.

Sauntering to the fridge, I took out a dish of strawberries and set them on the counter. I loved strawberries more than any other fruit. Bringing on to my lips, I savoured the taste of the greatest fruit to ever exist. I turned around to face the mirror that was placed in the kitchen and stared at my reflection.

My hair was down, brown curls spilling across my shoulders. My blue eyes were accentuated from my hoodie, and my cheeks were flushed with red, probably the beginning of a sunburn. I dropped my gaze to my legs, admiring the little bits of muscle I had. Overall, I'd consider myself pretty. Not in the traditional sense of a pinched waist and huge hips, but still pretty.

My mom chose that exact moment to walk in.

"Augustine, what are you doing?" she questioned, eyes narrowing.

I felt a blush creep into my face. "Just grabbing a snack before I take Aurora to the beach," I explained.

My mom crossed her arms over her chest. "You know," she began. "It's important to consider what you're wearing. You don't want anyone getting the wrong idea.

I sighed, knowing it was useless to argue. My mom hated any form of showing skin on women under thirty. Her eyes dropped to my legs and I tensed, readying myself for an insult.

"Maybe go change, Augustine," she said finally. "Put on something modest."

I felt my face drop as she continued talking.

"You're seventeen. I just want you to look out for yourself, my darling first-born," my mother's expression softened and she walked over and placed her hand on my cheek.

I leaned into her touch, knowing it was the most affection I'd get from her for a while, even if it was her bothering me about my wardrobe. She took it upon herself to scrutinize every outfit I wore, worrying I was "Asking for it." I hated it, but I always wore whatever I wanted, since half the time she couldn't be bothered to pay attention to me.

Aurora sped back into the kitchen, purple sweater in hand. "I'm ready!" she announced.

"Well then," my mom looked at me. "Don't stay out too late and keep her in your sight." With that said, she spun around and exited the room, not sparing one glance at her youngest daughter with the longing brown eyes.

"Let's go," I told my little sister, anxious to get away from my mother's presence. She slipped her hand into mine and we headed out to the beach, just as the sun dipped beneath the horizon.


The time on my phone read 8:30pm. Salt air tickled my nose as Aurora and I arrived on the main stretch of sand that touched the ocean. I'd never get sick of that smell. It reminded me of the times I've been happiest.

"Hey, look!" Aurora exclaimed, pointing somewhere near us.

"What is it?" I asked, because with Aurora it could be anything.

"That boy," she whispered suddenly, sending me a mischievous grin. "He's writing something, just like how you write stuff."

I have shared a few poems and stories with my sister, but only because she was too young to understand them. I shook my head and laughed, not sparing "that boy" a glance.

August - (Under Editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum