4. James

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For me it was enough...

"James, I really think you'd like her," my stepmother said for the thousandth time, staring at me from across the living room.

I looked up from my book to stare back. "And I'm telling you, I won't," I explained.

"Please, James. I drove her family from the airport to their cottage half an hour ago. She didn't say much, but she seems like a really sweet girl."

I shook my head. I didn't need another girl wrecking my life. I'd had enough drama from relationships in the past.

"I don't need a girlfriend, Leah," I finally responded.

"Oh, honey, you don't have to date. What about being friends? It can't hurt to reach out." She smiled softly at me, with her doe eyes that got to me every time. I couldn't help but give in.

"Maybe," I muttered, getting off the couch and heading towards the staircase. I didn't have to look to see her perfect smile, knowing she convinced me.

"Why's he so against this girl?" I heard my fifteen-year-old brother ask, entering the living room.

I paused halfway up the stairs, anxious to hear the rest of the conversation.

"Well, Miles, maybe James doesn't want a girlfriend right now," Leah answered.

"I mean, I'm available," Miles offered. I scoffed, knowing he was smirking at her.

Leah laughed. "She's seventeen. But nice try."

"Dammit," he responded.

Miles was a bit of a player, constantly partying and hooking up with girls. He let me know all the graphic details, which I didn't appreciate. He loved to rub it in my face that I was still a virgin and he wasn't.

I sighed, trudging to my room and shutting the door softly. My room small but homey. A large grey duvet covered my unmade bed and nightstand sat next to it, a stack of books filling it. I also had a bathroom next to my room that I shared with my brother, since his room was connected to the other side.

After brushing me teeth, I quickly reached the back of my neck and pulled my t-shirt over my head, before slipping off my shorts. With only my boxers on, I jumped into bed and got comfy in the mountain of pillows, setting my glasses on my nightstand and switching off my lamp.

I loved sleeping. Crawling into bed was my favourite part of the day. The best thing about the cottage is that I had a skylight in my room, meaning I could look up at the stars as I fell asleep. Though I usually preferred to be back at home, I couldn't complain about the view I had here. It was perfect for stargazing.

I replayed my conversation with Leah in my head. Sure, the girl sounded cool, and I trusted my stepmother. She knew my type and was quick to point out a girl that encompassed it.

Was I really ready for a relationship though? As who's to say this girl would like me back? I grimaced. For someone who had been in multiple relationships, I still was beyond awkward with girls. Though they usually mistook my shyness for charm, so I had a bit of luck with flirting.

Staring up at the stars once more, I let my eyes close slowly while my thoughts faded, leading me into sleep.


I woke up to small sun rays coming from my skylight. Luckily, I was a morning person, so it was a perfect way to rise for the day. I never let myself lay in bed, getting up immediately like I was on a mission.

I slipped on a hoodie and put on a pair of sweats. Brushing my teeth, I gazed at myself in the mirror.

My dark brown hair was ruffled and messy, while my freckles were more apparent then usual. That always pissed me off. Keeping the toothbrush in my mouth, I grabbed my glasses off my nightstand and slipped them on.

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