Chapter 1: Monster Cash

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Yo hope the wait was worth it but I am here to give you... "You Wanna Be A Movie Star?" 


(Chris): Last season on Total Drama Island... Duncan and Gwen battled it out for $100,000. In the end, Duncan, a super-tough delinquent, won a super-sized check. But then gave it all up for the chance to win one million big ones! 

He chose to ignore how he tricked Duncan into chasing the million dollars with the delinquent having to hunt it down and risk the chance of losing the money

(Chris): With the million smackeroos stuffed into a briefcase, our twenty-two campers set off on The Race for the Case! Until the case was eaten by an alligator. Then a shark

He laughed as he remembered what had happened

(Chris): I bet you they didn't see that one coming. Haha. Now the twenty-two who were all close to winning have been given the chance to win another million dollars

He snickered

(Chris): Actually, it's the same money. They've been instructed to report to an old film lot for a whole new set of challenges. Forty-two days. twenty-two cast mates. One heck of a lot of cash! Welcome to Total. Drama. Action!



A bus pulls up to some run down, abandoned film lot. The doors open and Duncan is the first to step out he breaths in the air

(Duncan): Man, I miss the smell of the city

Duncan spoke with a nostalgic smile on his face. Noah steps off while reading a book a disinterested look on his face. Leshawna walks out of the bus with a smile. Harold followed her he was solving a rubix cube. Heather and Gwen try getting off the bus at the same time and get stuck

(Heather): Step off!

(Gwen): You step off!

They glared at each other

(Heather and Gwen): Grr...

Suddenly the bus driver kicked them off the bus causing them to fall onto Harold who fell onto Leshawna

(Harold): Ow! Sorry, Leshawna

(Leshawna): No harm done

The bus leaves making sure to leave behind a cloud of smoke which caused the campers to cough. Once it cleared everyone was seen sitting on their luggage wondering where Chris is

(Leshawna): Where is everybody?

(Kai): Need a hand babe?

Gwen saw Kai's extended hand and accepted it with a smile

(Gwen): Uh, maybe we got off at the wrong stop?

Gwen wondered as she looked around

(Justin): That broken down bus only had one stop

(Heather): I'm not hanging around here

Heather said as she got up

(Leshawna): You're gonna give up the chance at a million big ones? Heh, that's a lot of hair weaves

Heather paused clearly liking the idea of winning the million

(Heather): Guess I can stay for a bit

(Beth): Face it. The money's the reason we all put up with Chris

You Wanna Be a Movie Star?: TDA x Male Reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now