Chapter 17 - Mortis

Start from the beginning

And something is shifting in the Force, growing darker, a darkness that is nearly overwhelming but at the same time, so very familiar.

There's a sudden flare of warning in the Force, and Luke tackles her out of the way as a massive bolder crashes down onto the narrow path where they were walking a moment before.

"Thanks," she says, panting a little as he pulls her up again.

"That was close," he replies, "I don't know what caused that."

"This was my brother's doing," the Daughter replies, turning around. There's a gap in the pathway now that the boulders fell, separating them from Anakin, but they can still see each other.

"Your brother?" Leia inquiries incredulously. "Why would he try to kill you?" She can't imagine that. Family is important. Why would anyone ever ruin that? How could someone not believe that?

"It's his nature," she replies, and Leia just stares at her with near incredulousness because she has no idea how someone can be so casual about this. Is this normal, or...? "Do not leave this place. The unbalance is growing. I will speak with my father alone. He is the only one who can help you."

"It's not safe here," Anakin objects immediately, but she's already walking off. He turns back to the twins with a sigh. "We should go after her."

The distance is long, but not too long, and drawing on the Force a bit, Leia can make it easily enough. Luke, as practiced as he is, lands even smoother than she does.

"There's a darkness to this planet," Luke notes, "I never noticed it before."

"Yes," Anakin agrees, eyeing the rocks, "We should move. I suspect it will come back."

Leia agrees wholeheartedly, though it doesn't make sense. Why would a creature of Light tell them to stay somewhere that there's such obvious danger? If this is a message, she can't figure it out.


It's nightfall by the time they make it to a towering building, standing out against the darkened sky and pouring rain, lit by a shimmering, diamond-shaped rock floating above, and the constant flashes of lightning in the background.

"This is where we need to go," Anakin tells them because he senses it. Idly, he wonders how much time is passing in the real world, if any. He doesn't know. This is new to him, too, and it's... unsettling.

"Finally," Luke calls over the storm, "I was starting to wonder if we'd even find any life." Which is fair, considering this is a vision, and aside from the Daughter, Anakin has yet to see any signs of life except plant life. And the plants died when night fell, and the storm started.

The climb takes a long time, but Anakin is starting to have legitimate questions about whether the area is shifting and morphing as they move, because most walks don't take as long as he thinks they should. It's hard to tell, though.

They enter the building, taking shelter from the rain, even if none of them minds it. The lightning is dangerous, though. Possibly deadly.

Inside, on a throne-like chair, is a strange aqua-clothed figure. His hair is white, and he looks nothing like the Daughter, but somehow, Anakin is certain he's the Father she was speaking of. Maybe it's partly that he feels similarly in the Force, only gray instead of light.

"Welcome," he says as they approach.

"What do you want with us?" Anakin inquires. He's careful to show it off as curiosity, even if it's a vision – that's instinctive. He's cautious, but he doesn't need to let anyone know.

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