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Melvin, the yellow bunny, was in a somewhat awkward situation.

He was in front of Duke the bear who was sitting on the stairs leading to the playground, while he was eating a delicious sandwich and next to him, his best friend the albino bat Rodney reading a book as he used to do every day of recess.

The nerves were going to devour him. Melvin thought twice or rather 4 times what he was about to do. He wasn't a science expert like Rodney was, but he knew that hugs always brighten someone's day. His mother told him the importance of hugging the people you appreciate, she told him how a hug can help with calm and that it reduces stress and anxiety levels.

And what better than giving hugs to your classmates who are in a school, an environment full of nerves, stress and anxiety, Melvin thought.

That day Melvin decided to give hugs to those colleagues he appreciated. Obviously his best friend Poppy would be the first on the list, the blue bird with pigtails did not hesitate for a second to wrap her little wings around his best friend's waist and then give him a small squeeze full of affection. Hugs between best friends are the best, they both commented with a little laugh during the hug.

And so, Melvin spent the entire recess giving hugs to his teammates with the intention of transmitting affection and calm to them. The minutes passed and the more hugs Melvin gave, the more nervous he became and not because of the hugs, that's not it, he felt happy and satisfied enough with the hugs he offered.

But...Melvin was avoiding wanting to hug certain colleagues and he had 3 reasons:

It was because of fear

Because of nerves

Nerves again


Melvin has never had a good relationship with Duke, since the older one always bothered him. He never knew and maybe he did know but he had already forgotten the how and why of his bad relationship with the brown bear. He tried to make peace with him sometimes. But he was never successful.


The relationship he had with Rodney wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either, it was passable. Melvin didn't usually talk to Rodney much and vice versa. The two only talked to each other when they had to do projects or assignments together in class, and Melvin didn't count those homework talks as friendly chats. He wanted to talk to Rodney, but for some reason, when he wanted to talk to the albino bat, his throat was dry and his heart was beating at a fast pace and the nerves, ugh and the nerves? The nerves were the worst.

So Melvin asked himself repeatedly

"What am I doing?!"

There was no way Rodney and Duke and especially Duke would accept a simple friendly hug. Knowing that he barely talks to the bat and that he has a terrible relationship with the brown bear.

"Do you want anything Melvin?" Rodney asked with his serious tone, while he took off his glasses and let them rest on his book which he had closed without first placing the marker on the page he was reading.

"I-I...emmm..." You stupid fool, what are you doing Melvin??!! Seriously, he had to seek professional help, because he was sure his heart was going to burst out of his chest.

"Stop bothering us and go away, you idiot," Duke told him with his bad boy rudeness. That comment did not help him at all, his nerves and now combined with the fear he had of the bear increased.

Melvin, fighting his nerves and fears, raised his trembling little arms in a hug with the intention that Rodney and Duke would get the idea of ​​why he had been standing there like a couple of minutes ago.

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