"What can I say," Kotallo said quietly while turning his head and leaning it atop hers. "I had a brilliant good luck charm." There was a quiet scoff from her, Kotallo felt her shake her head a little, but she otherwise stayed silent. Feeling his fingers tentatively stroking through her hair was too relaxing and was making her feel really sleepy, so it didn't actually take much for her to succumb to sleep, Kotallo followed not that long afterwards.

And the sleep which found him was void of any worrying dreams which his subconscious would cook up from thoughts which he had buried deep. There were no more plaguing troubling dreams revolving around the rebels, around the civil war which almost ripped his whole tribe apart. The Zenith issue wasn't even present, his subconscious seeing that it'll give him one night where he slept peacefully; Kotallo had rid his life of one issue, and his mind was being kind to not railroad him with the next issue straight off the bat.

Feeling Nureka's warmth, weight and presence just by his side was also probably what aided his mind in not being forthcoming with unwanted dreams. She had finally given in, whatever sleep was niggling at her and that she had ignored practically since he left, she had finally conceded to. A few times she'd twitch a little in her sleep, but much like Kotallo, she didn't seem to want to move away from his side, even while both were in their deepest states of sleep, neither moved more than an inch away from the other.

It was quite amusing, to see Alva be so active with pacing around rattling off things a million miles an hour; only to the cease, pause and just stand still with a thousand yard stare as she'd shake her head and throw her hands in the air deciding she was being silly, and that what she said was ridiculous. Alva was clearly having an existential crisis of some sort, it was understandable, in a way, considering how her clan revered the Old Ones; it was something that her friends may not have totally understood, but they didn't question her and her evident hero worship.

"Maybe just start with a hello?" Nureka dared to pipe up, she was sitting with Erend, her arms crossed on the table and her chin against her forearms as she watched her dark haired friend pacing around. "Also, if you continue like that, you'll create a trench in the floor." She held a finger up and had Alva slowly turn to look at her with wide eyes before looking down. Nureka and Erend couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the Quen hopping from one foot and then backing off to make sure she hadn't actually created a dent in the floor.

Alva frowned their way; she even pouted a little not entirely liking their joking. But in the end, she sighed and threw her hands up in defeat again. She walked over and sat down opposite to them both, it was clear the two of them had intended to play Strike, before just sitting and reading on their Focuses or just with each other. "It's just immense, isn't it?"

Erend raised an eyebrow, "That's one word for it," he smirked and looked between both females, Nureka nodded agreeing with him, and Alva had that far off look again.

"I still think starting with a hello is a win," Nureka said, to be honest, she wouldn't be entirely surprised to see Alva just assault Tilda with all questions and queries possible. The Quen was seemingly a curious lot, if Alva was anything to go by, but finding new things seemed to result in them wanting to know about the subject in any which way. Of course, it was a curious thing, how can someone live as long as Tilda, as long as the other Zeniths? But that knowledge, or at least the science behind it, and following through with it were just unnatural to Nureka, it creeped her right out.

It was disrupting the natural order of things, which to Nureka, and her way of life just seemed...it was just something that one didn't tamper with, it just wasn't right; there was a cycle to life, a natural order that had been the way it was for many, many years; who gave them the right to ignore this, and go against the natural order? Nureka didn't want to trash Alva's beliefs, or how she saw the Old Ones, but from her own research and curious snooping; only because you are rich, famous, clever and considered to be up there in the upper echelons of society at the time, it didn't rightly mean you had the right to defy nature, because nature and the way of things would always catch up, there may have been loopholes, which the Zeniths including Tilda had found, but unfortunately, death came to all, no matter the form, or the way or even the time, death was inevitable.

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