Chapter 10 ( The past - Horrors of the hearts )

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Y/N pov :

I was so shocked from past few days stuff, the fear is taking over my heart so fast as I was sitting on bed thinking about it, I was horrified when all lights went of and then a cold presence in room, I got up try to find candles when door opens up surprisingly as a tall..extreme tall nun like 6 to 8 feet tall standing there as I stared at it completely scared as it steps in room coming towards me as I try to scream it but it hush me down "Why are you so scared of me?, Did its because how I appear or something else?..Well well what you can think I am.." It chuckled deeply though as I run away but before I could reach door it closes on its own...

Sister Irene pov :

I was sitting with sister Oana "Sister oana..I saw a nun" I said telling her about my dreams and quite rarely in hallways too as she look at me "Did you see her too..?" She asked as I nodded "Yes I see her..she looked like one of us but she looks nothing but holy" I said in low voice as sister oana replied in hushed voice "She may look like us..something holy but it actually something Unholy" she replied as I heard Y/N's scream as me and sister oana runs towards her room as others was their too, she is their fainted on floor her arms and legs have some claws mark on them like she running away from something but it doesn't let her, Father Burke and William put her on bed covering her with blankets as I and sister oana looked at each other then goes to Y/N, we bandage her and give her some medicine...My concern and fear is becoming truth is non another than sign of danger...we have stand and fight against it Y/N

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