19 - if he found us out

Start from the beginning

"God damn Gracie." Blakely sighed. Gracie tilted her head to the side, looking at the blonde, waiting for her to continue "you are so fucking beautiful." Blakely hands grabbed onto Gracie's hips. Her eyes trailing down her body. Gracie licked her lips, beginning to rocking her hips genlty.

"You know. You did let me sleep for a little longer. And I did make you a promise." She began, Gracie dragged her finger down the middle of blakleys chest.

"That's true. You going to act like you did last night?" Blakely asked with a smirk

"As long as you can be good girl" the singers voice is as raspy when she spoke, leaning down and whispering the last part into blakelys ear. Blakely nodded quickly, any part of her that wanted to be dominant flew out the window.

The pair quickly got caught up again. Gracie's hips rocking against blakely. The blonde gripped the singers butt in her hands, pulling her body into her own. Their lips moved slowly against one another.

"Blake." Gracie sighed against her lips. "You really are everything to me." The girl pulled back and locked eyes with Blakely. Her hands cupped blakelys face, a sigh left Gracie's lips as she smile "Blakely I lo-"

"Gracie!" A loud pointing on the door followed by a deep voice made both the girls still there movements. Blakely sat up, her arms wrapping around Gracie torso while the both looked at the door as the handle giggled back and forth. "Gracie why is the door locked?"

It was Hayes. Gracie jumped out of bed, Blakely following quickly after. Blakely grabbed her clothes from off the ground, Gracie ran to her closet, grabbing the first hoodie she saw and slipping it over her bare body followed by a pair of shorts.

"She's sleeping just go." Abby's muffled voice could be heard through the door

"Yeah she's still not feeling good we will let you know later ok." Audrey added

"Gracie!" Hayes called again pounding on the door, ignoring the girls "where is the spare key?"

"Get under the bed" Gracie said panicked, taking their scattered close from blakelys arms and throwing them into her closet.

"Put your hood up, hickey." Blakely added, grabbing the girls hood and pulling it over head. She turned around as Gracie made her way to the door. Blakely scrambled down on to the ground, spotting Gracie's underwear and and bra on the ground next to the bed. The sound of a key going into the door panicked Blakely. She grabbed them, pulling herself fully under her bed.

The door opened just as Blakely finished pulling herself under.

"Hayes what the fuck?!" Gracie groaned as Hayes walked into the room. Blakely watched his shoes walk towards the bed. Weenie walked in behind him barking at Gracie. He turned and spotted Blakely under the bed.

"You weren't answering the phone." He argued as. Weenie stared at Blakely, the blonde put her finger up to her lips, silently asking the dog to keep quiet. Hayes walked to the bed, sitting down. His feet right in-front of blakleys face, weenie just off to the side of his feet.

"I'm sick Hayes. Please go I was sleeping." She wasn't an actress but she was going good at playing it off. Weenie started walking towards the bed, sticking his head under, sniffing. Blakely tried to sho him away.

Naked and hiding under a bed was not the way she wanted to meet gracie fur child.

"Well it would be nice of you to answer the phone when I text you." Hayes argued with her reaching down and picking weenie up. The dog barked in annoyance.

"Ok I understand. But please go. I need to rest and I don't want you seeing all this." She tried to persuade him. The boy groaned and flopped back onto the bed. Blakely flinched. Her heart pounding in her chest.

Another pair of socked feet walked into the door way.
"Hayes, listen to her." Abby said

"Fuck whatever. Sorry for trying to care." He groaned standing up. Weenie jumped from his arms, the dog instantly going under the bed, scooting to blakelys face.

"Hi" she whispered to the dog as she licked her face. Hayes's weight lifted off the bed as he stood. Walking out of the room. Gracie and Abby followed after him. After a minute the font door opened and closed. Blakely stayed under the bed, weenie laid in-front of her, their noses touching.

"Where is Blakely?" Audrey asked as the three girls walked into the room.

"Where is weenie?" Abby countered

"Why was he here?" Gracie asked with a groan.

"Can I come out now?" Blakely asked from
Under the bed. Abby walked to the bed and looked under. Weenie and Blakely made eye contact with the girl. Abby burst into laughter, Audrey and Gracie both bent down looking as well.

Blakely was on her stomach so you couldn't see anything, but you could tell she was naked

"Oh my hell you couldn't even put clothes on?!" Abby was dying of laughter. Weenie crawled out from under the bed, barking at the other girls.

"Oh shit, guys get out." Gracie grabbed her cousin and best friend, forgetting that Blakely didn't have the time to put clothes on. The door clicked, their laughter was muffled from behind the door. Blakely pulled herself from under the bed, she stayed sat on the floor. Gracie walked out of her closet with a t shirt and sweats.

"I'm sorry baby." Gracie said, holding her hand out for Blakely to take. The younger girl took her hand and stood up, taking the clothes Gracie got for her and put them on.

"It's ok." Blakely tried to smile "it was close is all."

"Im sorry." Gracie frowned. Blakely shook her head, lifting Gracie's chin up and kissing her softly.

"It's ok." She repeated "lets go hang out with the girls now. Besides I want to remeet weenie."

Gracie laughed softly, the blondes attempt to lighten the mood worked. The singer pressed up, placing a kiss to the girls nose.

"Ok let's go sunshine girl."

Hey! Hope you guys liked this chapter. It was definitely just a little filler chapter. I have really bad writers block right now so I'm not sure when the next chapter is coming. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Thanks for reading my story! Love you guys so so much!

xx Kay

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now