Chapter 5: Tea, Intoxication, and a Forbidden Friendship

Start from the beginning

I cleared my throat before speaking up again.

"It seems that Anne was using the knife to cut up the cake into smaller...,' I trailed off before being cut off by Anne.
"Abby, why don't you and Gilbert go mingle with Diana? I'll take over being a hostess. You two go enjoy yourselves with Diana while I go find Marilla's raspberry cordial in the pantry," my twin said as she ushered Gilbert and me into the parlor with Diana.
"Alright, Anne," I said before sitting down next to Diana and gesturing for Gilbert to join us.

"Hello, Abby. Hello, Gilbert," Diana said with a polite smile.
"Hello, Diana," Gilbert and I said simultaneously.

"You both are simply the most adorable couple in all of Avonlea, you know. Even Josie Pye has warmed up to the idea of you both romancing," Diana said with a grin.
"That's quite a surprise," Gilbert said.

Then, Anne came into the parlor with three glasses and a bottle of raspberry cordial.

"Oh, raspberry cordial, right? Oh, that's my favorite," Diana said with a smile.
"You mean you've had it before," Anne asked curiously.
"Lots of times. Haven't you," Diana asked.
"I must admit, neither Abby nor I ever tasted it. But you three can have as much as you like. I have to stir up the fire. There are so many responsibilities on a person's mind when they're housekeeping," Anne said as she left the room.
"It's awfully nice, Anne. Much better than Mrs. Lynde's. She brags about hers all the time," Diana said as she poured me a glass and handed it to me before pouring Gilbert a glass, but he turned it down.

"You're right, Diana! Marilla does make a lovely raspberry cordial. Although, I've never had Mrs. Lynde's to compare it to," I said with a small grin after taking a sip.
"It's simply divine, Abby," she said as she took a sip from her glass.

"Peaches, that drink smells like a brewery," Gilbert whispered to me as I continued sipping the raspberry cordial.
"Did you say something, Gil," I asked after finishing my glass.
"I said that you're a fast drinker just like Diana," he told me while my friend took my glass and poured me some more raspberry cordial.
"Oh. Thank you, I suppose," I said in a confused tone before Diana handed my glass back to me.
"Don't drink too much of that, Abby. We don't need you or Diana getting sick off of something so sweet," Gilbert said before I finished my second glass.
"I'll be fine," I giggled.
"If you say so," my beau said as Diana poured us both a third glass of the cordial, which she quickly chugged.

I quickly finished my third glass of raspberry cordial when all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't stop giggling and felt a wave of sickness rush over me as I leaned onto Gilbert. Then, Anne entered the room with the fruitcake.

"Oh, I feel sick," Diana stated.

"Me too," I said as I clutched my stomach and felt a wave of nausea hit me.

"Oh, I gotta go home," Diana said before briefly passing out.
"Diana, you can't be sick! Wake up," Anne said as she woke Diana.
"I've got to go home," Diana insisted.
"No. Lie down. You'll feel better. Now tell me, where did it hurt," Anne asked as I giggled.
"I've got to go home. Oh, I'm awful dizzy," Diana responded.
"It's probably the smallpox epidemic. Don't worry, Diana! I'll never forsake you," Anne stated dramatically.

"They're drunk, Anne! You must have mixed up the raspberry cordial with something else," Gilbert said bluntly.
"I've set my sister and my bosom friend drunk! Woe is me," Anne sighed as I continued giggling.
"I'll deal with Abby. You make sure Diana gets home safely," Gilbert instructed.
"Of course," Anne said before running after Diana and leaving the house.

"Gilbert, can you keep a secret," I asked.
"Of course," Gilbert sighed.
"I love love love you! That's three times the love," I said with a slurred speech as I ran my fingers through his brown curls.
"I love you too, Peaches," Gilbert said as he kissed my forehead.
"Gil, I don't feel so good," I said while covering my mouth.
"Let's go outside. Some fresh air will do you some good," he said before helping me get up and walk outside.

Once we were outside, it happened. I vomited in the grass in front of Gilbert. As I continued to get sick, I felt him holding my hair and rubbing my back. Once I had finished throwing up, I looked at Gilbert with a pang of embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry you had to see this, Gilbert," I said somberly.
"It's alright, Peaches. I've seen way worse. Believe me," he said reassuringly as he kissed my forehead and led me back into the house and to the kitchen.
"I need water," I said bluntly.
"Let me get you some," Gibert insisted as he grabbed a glass, filled it with water, and handed it to me.
"Thank you," I said as I slowly sipped it.
'You're welcome, Abby," Gilbert said before kissing the top of my head.

About twenty minutes later, Gilbert and I were sitting in the parlor when Anne arrived back with tears running down her face.

"Oh, I am truly in the depths of despair, Abby," Anne cried.
"Come here, Anne. What's troubling you," I asked while gesturing for my twin to sit to the right of me.
"Mrs. Barry said that I cannot be friends with Diana anymore because she said that I am a bad influence on Diana, especially after I accidentally set her drunk. Mrs. Barry never mentioned anything about you not being allowed to be friends with Diana though, which is dreadfully unfair," she cried as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Don't fret, Anne. We'll tell Marilla all about this ordeal, and she will help you get the situation fixed," I said as I hugged my sister.

Soon, Marilla was back and Anne had explained everything.

"Drunk? You set your sister drunk," Marilla exclaimed.
"And mistake. I'm ever so sorry Marilla," Anne said as tears fell on her cheeks.
"What on earth did you give them," she asked.
"Only raspberry cordial. They both had three glasses of it, but I didn't know it would set them drunk," Anne answered sincerely.
"You certainly have a genius for trouble. This is currant wine. Can't you tell the difference," Marilla asked as she picked up the bottle.
"I've never tasted either. I can say the same for Abby about raspberry cordial, at least," Anne said truthfully as she continued to cry.

"Stop crying, Anne. It wasn't your fault. Just a harmless mistake," I reassured my twin as I took a sip of water.
"I can't help but feel overcome with guilt, Abby," my twin sniffled.

"I probably put the cordial in the cellar instead of the pantry. I'll go over and explain," Marilla said as Anne followed her to the Barry's home.

There was a brief silence between Gilbert and me before I cleared my throat.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Gil. I'm sure that seeing me intoxicated was not a pretty sight to see or one of my best moments," I said while I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Peaches. You're my girl and taking care of you is no trouble," he said, chuckling, before he kissed my forehead.
"I feel so fortunate to have someone like you in my life. I never expected a boy like you to show such kindness and love to an orphan girl like me," I said.
"I feel as if I am the lucky one. I'm sitting here having a splendid time with the most gorgeous girl in all of Avonlea," Gilbert said with a smile.
"Oh, stop it, Gil! You're making me blush," I said as my cheeks turned scarlet.
"I'm just being honest, Abby," Gilbert said with a chuckle before gently pressing his lips against mine.

And with that, a mishap from Anne became a cherished memory for Gilbert and me. I just hope that Anne and Diana are allowed to become friends again someday.

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