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Out in the cold of Christmas Eve
I alone stood together with the newly fallen  snow
Starred and prayed for the stockings to fill like a thief
I wish the chimney dropped something down the fireplace below
Sleep tugged at the little sweetness of my imagination
But for reasons unknown to me, I shook my back in synchronization
"Squeak...squeak..." came the cry of the stairs
"Shhhh... shhhh..."I whispered to myself with flair
"But why the stairs? I pondered. "
"Santa should come down the chimney" thought lingered.
But down came he who wore the red and white suit
His boot was large enough to fit me in
His hat hanging in a silly welp
And I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself
He sighed in frustration for he had been caught
Merry Christmas to you my daddy Santa said as I ran and gave him a hug

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