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He turned to his second in command, determination lacing his voice. "Target the approaching carriers with E-ion 10s. Then, launch two mini E-ion-10s at Ruby Gem's engineering deck." Aware of the potential consequences, he fervently hoped this would deter any attempts at landing near the labs.

His officer hesitated, feeling compelled to question this order. "But General...! Freesun is onboard."

Peter fixed him with an icy glare. "I'm aware of that--now do as I command." With a nod from Peter, an onslaught of destabilisers followed by two Mini E-ion 10s targeted Ruby Gem. This risky move forced them to redirect their focus from demolishing Lavadome's shields towards self-preservation.

Satisfied with the result, the General assessed his officers, nodding approval. They had managed to stall the enemy, at least for now. All eyes were glued to the command screen as one of their E-ion 10 weapons soared toward an enemy carrier. A brilliant pink light inundated the sky, followed by a shock wave that rocked Peter's battleship. His heart swelled with pride as the targeted Covenant carrier shattered into debris, tumbling to the ground near the outskirts of Lavadome, toppling buildings and igniting dreadful fires.

With a wide grin spreading across his face like an exploding sun, Peter wiped away a tear of jubilation while gazing at the command screen, basking in their weapon strike's triumphant glow. This first test of their E-ion 10 weapon against a Covenant carrier had been an astounding success. Whirling around to face his crew, he praised them for their historic accomplishment, only to have the clamour of cheers interrupted by a frantic shout from an officer.

"General! Lavadome's shield is down! Freesun's carrier is closing in on our labs!" The officer bellowed in panic.

The jubilant atmosphere evaporated instantly, and Peter's excitement dissipated like morning mist under the fiery gaze of the rising sun. "Establish a video link with Ruby Gem's command deck," he ordered sharply before turning to his weapons officer. Keep hammering those distant carriers."

Acknowledging with a swift nod, the officer refocused on her duty. All attention returned to the command screen, now split into two sections: one remained blank. At the same time, the other displayed Ruby Gem raining fire upon the security robots guarding their lab's perimeter. An image flickered to life on the previously blank command screen, revealing Elite Officer Jayden at his control console on the Ruby Gem's command deck. "General, you'll answer for your crimes against the Covenant," he said, his voice seething with anger.

Olensi, unfazed by the threat, remained calm and composed. He sneered at the young officer before him. "Don't lecture me about crimes," Olensi pointed a finger at Jayden, "your Golden Table razed the beautiful cities of Endoria—all as splendid as those in Sunterria. Gods? My ass," He bellowed, eyes fixed on the screen.

Onboard the Ruby Gem, Nikolai approached Jayden despite his disapproving glance. Standing by the command screen, Nikolai faced Olensi. "General," he said with a tremor of emotion, "destroying our carriers won't do you any favours." Though he'd agreed with Jayden not to engage with this enigmatic species, something within him stirred at the mention of Endoria. Memories flitted through his mind like balloons popping against jagged cliffs; he yearned for answers but feared what they might reveal. Olensi, uncertain of who held authority, scrutinised both Freesun and Jayden. He inched closer to the screen before demanding with grave intensity, "Withdraw your carrier from Lavadome, or I'll rain destruction upon Sunterria."

Nikolai braced himself against a control desk, well aware that it was far from an idle threat. Colonel Zinci's mighty fleet loomed near Sunterria's outer orbit. "Would you dare attack a god planet?" Nikolai inquired with a feeble voice.

A wicked pleasure washed over Olensi as he witnessed Freesun's torment until, suddenly, the video went black, and the sound dissolved. To his relief, the video connection remained intact.

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