Start from the beginning

"I don't see that happening, bug." He says.

"Maybe you need to get your eyes checked." Peter replies.

Flint then swings at Peter, but he easily ducks the attack and punches him in the gut. The hero is then shocked when the punch goes through his body. He tries to pull out his arm but gets stuck, and Flint smirks as his fist grows in size.

"Oh crap."

He then punches Peter, sending him flying through the back of the truck. Peter quickly webs onto the truck and holds on tightly. Flint bursts through the roof of the speeding truck. Peter quickly bounces off of a car and flips onto the roof, behind Flint.

When Hagen turns around, Peter sweeps his legs, obliterating his legs as they turn into sand. Spider-Bat quickly webs the money out of his hands. Flints legs start to grow back, turning his hand into a giant hammer and smashes Peter through the roof and back inside the truck.

Peter slowly stands to his feet, and sees the three guards trapped under sand/clay and the speeding truck heading straight for a garbage truck. Peter quickly pulls all three of them out and throws them out of the truck and shoots out webs for them to land on safely. The truck then crashes and flips over.

Peter slowly steps out of the truck and looks back to see the guards are safe on the web. He also looks around for Flint Hagen, but can't find him anywhere. Peter angerly web swings away as people stare.

At the cave, as Ben cleans around, Jill enters the cave.

"Hey Ben, is Peter here?" Jill asks.

"Afraid not, Ms. Stacy."

At that moment, Peter swings into the cave, the mask removing itself from his face and walking towards the computer.

"Well, now he is." Ben answers.

Jill rolls over to Peter who doesn't acknowledge Ben or her and just types on the computer, looking up everything he can find on Flint Hagen.

"Andrea called, an hour ago." Jill says.

"Not now, Jill."

"She said that you abandoned her on the side of the street."

"I had no choice, there was trouble, I had to save lives." Peter says, still somewhat ignoring her.

"You can at least call and give her an excuse or something. You're not being fair to her."

Peter gets frustrated, slamming his hand on the desk, startling both Jill and Ben.

"I said, not now! You think we want it like this?! it's how it has to be! What? Do you want her to be in a chair next to you!?" Peter says out of frustration and anger.

As Ben and Jill look at him out of shock, Peter snaps out of it, with a stunned look on his face.

"I- I'm sorry."

Peter's mask covers his face again and he goes to leave the cave in a hurry while Ben and Jill watches, worried by that reaction.

That night, as Flint Hagen walks the streets of New York, he starts to hear footsteps behind him. He quickly makes a sharp spear out of his arm and aims it at the person following him, the man with bandages around his face.

"I've had enough of masked freaks today."

The bandaged man slowly moves the spear away from his throat.

"Relax Mr. Hagen, I just came to talk."

Flint stares for a moment, then agrees to listen to him.

"What do you want?"

The bandaged man smirks.

"I want to offer you a lot of money. So much money that you won't have to rob another truck."

"What's the catch?" Flint asks, folding his arms.

"Kill Spider-Bat."

Flint doesn't answer for a moment.

"I don't kill people. Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass."

Flint starts to walk away.

"That's too bad. For your daughter." The bandaged man says.

Flint stops.

"What did you just say?"

"Well, you don't know this about me, but I really don't like taking no for an answer."

Flint launches himself at the man.

"You lay one mineral on me and she dies."

Flint stops.

"Now. Do we have a deal?"

Flint grits his teeth.

"I'll do it."

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